why i rated it 4 stars
The Plot - I have read lots of topics on this board about how it was either a total set up and just as many who think it was all a series of random events that were all coincidences. I choose to believe that it's a little of both but either way it makes for a very confusing and convoluted plot.
Characters - All of the characters besides Mike are all one dimensional and are all stiff and uninteresting. I think Chewitel Ejiofor is an amazing and talented actor and he doesn't disappoint here but pretty much everyone else does. The policeman's character just didn't work for me, he quit a job after not being paid for months? Why didn't they pay him? It's like we are just supposed to go with it when most of the characters don't make a whole lot of sense. Mike's wife was the biggest mystery in this movie to me. There relationship was just not done very well at all, they had zero chemistry. We find out later that she resents him, but why?? She knew what he was, she must have fell in love with him for his morals and beliefs but then suddenly that's just stupid to her now?
The Ending - Most people seem to love this ending, I hated everything about it. It reminded me of one of Adam Sandler's movies where at the end he makes a big speech or does some ridiculous thing in front a large group of people. Ok so the Japanese champion watched Mike beat up the Brazilian guy on his TV in his dressing room, then has an epiphany..."Wow this guy has heart, I should just give him my belt." Oh wait there is more, the grandmaster in Brazil sees this from the stands at the event and decides "Wow this guy has heart, I should just give him my redbelt." This is all very corny, and wreaks of bad writing.
Just my two cents, well more like 50 cents but I digress...haha