'Plot Holes'
I understand if people dislike this movie. (I happen to think it's a '9' outta 10.) What irritates me, however, is all the negativity seems to focus on 'plot holes'.
I can't think of -any- movie that isn't -loaded- with 'plot holes'. Basically, I think it just comes down to which 'plot holes' you like.
I'm assuming a number of people in martial arts or law enforcement or movies or -whatever- would find it 'unrealistic'. OK, fine.
I submit that if you try to put together a script with -no- plot holes, what you have is no script. In real life, machine guns don't have an unlimited supply of ammo, humans don't outrun fireballs, shackled inmates don't escape custody, crooks don't talk like Glengarry Glenross, car chases don't go through the streets of Paris unimpeded for 1/2hr, etc. etc.
But to me, this was a drama that talks about some important 'truths' and values and the language is fun to listen to. What more do ya want?