TOTALLY MISREPRESETS brazilian Jiu-jitsu
Let's begin with a few things.
1.We never speak in terms of dojos or dishonor of the academy or any such nonsense. Since BJJ is not a traditional martial art we do not deal with any pseudo-religious pagan garbage. We train we shoot the $hit we throw our belts around when they get tangeled(most schools see this as disrespecting the "dojo" and our sacred belts, PUKE), we don't usually bow (some schools do it at beginning of class), we don't throw salt on the mat or feel the chi, nor do we burn insense. Go to Brazil and visit the schools there, guys are drinking drugging and hanging with hookers from what i hear, not that it's right, but no one is Mr. Miagi in traditional BJJ schools.
2.BJJ is not a fast paced style where you take on and dismantle 20 opponents one after the other, in fact there IS NO SUCH STYLE that's just Hollywood being Hollywood I guess.
Where did they get this hogwash? A white belt is a guy who walks off the street? Yeah, it could also be a guy who's been there a year and is still working to get his 4th stripe to move up to bluebelt and knows a good deal. A black belt means you're qualified to instruct? No, brown belts, blue belts, purple belts, you name it, they teach. In fact many schools are RUN by purple belts. My instructor is a black belt but he opened his school as a blue belt, as have many others.
4.How does a one strip black belt have such a tattered belt? That was just silly. My instructor has been a black belt for about 6 years now and his belt is faded, but hardly beat up like that and he has 2 stripes, I believe you get a stripe every 3 years.
Sticking to the above, how does said 1 stripe black belt get a redbelt after one good fight? If that were the case Rickson, Royce , Renzo and his others sons would have gotten their red belts after their crazy battles (Rickson in 1995, Royce, 1991, 1992, 1993, Renzo in 1995) Only founders so far have redbelts, that was just gay. I realize this was only HEAVILY based on the gracies but COME ON.
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!
PS: How does Ed O'Neil, a student, a blackbelt under Rorion in Torrance CA have the gull to appear in this movie? First he does a rally for BO, Barack osama and now this? You're dead to me Al Bundy.