MovieChat Forums > Redbelt (2008) Discussion > Chiwetel Ejiofor and martial arts....?

Chiwetel Ejiofor and martial arts....?

I'd like to know, whether Chiwetel Ejiofor is really a martial artist, or he was just traning for this role?

I did like the film, and I really loved Ejiofor's "Mike Terry" character. Chiwetel Ejiofor does a great job on-screen as a martial artist, however I cant find any info on whether he is a trained fighter in real life, or just for this movie.

If anyone can shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it.


The KickFighter


i dont know about other systems but i know that he only had a few months in jui jitsu because he challenged toe director to a friendly sparring match the director just steped on his foot and he couldnt move the director had been in jui jitsu for years


Ya, I read somewhere that Mamet is a practicioner. Seems like Ejiofor just studied some for this movie.

Well, once again, i can say that even if he's not a martial artist, he DOES look like one playing Mike Terry.

The KickFighter


Many times for movie roles they'll have actors study intently for several hours a day for a few weeks or months, depending on their natural abilities. Plus there are always fight choreographers on set, with most scenes being shot from several different angles.

For a very obscure reference, take a look at Chris Farley's character in Beverly Hills Ninja. Obviously, NOT very technical. But Farley did do some things halfway decent. A little impressive given his height to weight ratio.


actors often talk about "oh we studied with real martial arts people/swat people /special forces people"

its all boloney,they have as mentioned above choreographers on set who show them how to do it ..


Maybe they do both? If they are dedicated actors and have some time I don't see why they wouldn't do it for a few days at least. I mean for war movies some actors go through a short boot camp thing, its not necessary at all but they did it.


I agree with Coolaree.. most actors want to look realistic.. so they would get coaching from 'real' people.

I thought Ejiofor was great... he always is for me..

in the movie 'Grand Piano', Elijah Wood plays a concert pianist, that never uses the foot pedals. An oversight, that a coach would have surely caught.
