Justin Long

Absolutely hilarious. He was my favorite part of the movie, no homo. But his bit part was great. Perfectly watchable. IDK what else to say, he was on point. NO HOMO.



Oh my God. We get it, you're not gay. Thank you, Kanye.





I usually don't really care for Justin Long, but he was hilarious in this movie.

"Who's your demographic?"
"Do you like pu$$y?"
"Not you."



I usually don't really care for Justin Long, but he was hilarious in this movie.

"Who's your demographic?"
"Do you like pu$$y?"
"Not you."

Agreed, every line he had was pure gold. LMAO'd so hard throughout. 

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


His tiny part in this movie was GOLD! absolutely hilarious!


I KNOW! I cracked up when Justin Long had his scenes. It was sooo funny. He was awesome in this movie and made a very believable gay porn star.

"Sure... fine... whatever."


This scene was my favourite part of the movie too. :)

Attn All Units!


I loved the ending credits where the fake commercial is being shown and he's talking about how he and Bobby Long rekindled their romance and he's being so dirty and disgusting and Brandon Routh is trying so hard not to crack up. It's hilarious.


I never liked Justin Long, but it's kinda funny how I love him in gay roles only.

-Zack and Miri Make a Porno - Gay guy
-The Break-Up - Gay guy
-Dodgeball - Cheerleader...Close enough



Omg soo true. I've never noticed until you pointed this out. The scenes with him as the art guy in The Break-up is like funniest!!! So yeah, I think I only like him in gay roles too. Oh, but Jeepers Creepers is an exception.

Robert's Mafia "Soul Stealer"
Team Alice#87


I could watch this movie every day just for that epic Justin Long scene. F'ing brilliant acting...

"My nose was chiseled by the gods themselves..."
-Dennis, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Shut your mouth or I'm gonna fvck it! I laughed so hard at that point - I had to pause the movie!

I am officially a Trekkie, Dwarfer, Whovian and Gleek


I think Justin Long's performance as Brandon St. Randy in Zack and Miri is absolutely CLASSIC..If you can watch that scene and not break out in hysterics with the performance he puts on, then you are immune to laughing... His voice, facial expressions, dialogue and one liners... I cannot believe that Seth Rogan, Elizabeth Banks, Brandon Routh or Justin made it through the scene without breaking out laughing...

I also love two very subtle things in that scene... the wrestlers in the background and Kevin Smith's musical choice playing in the background...


''All male casts, wow - like Glenn Gary Glenn Ross?'' ''More like Glenn and GAry suck Ross's meaty *beep*



'...and I will be there on your journey. Your journey up the mountain...of gayness.'

We are number one. All others are number two, or lower. - The Sphinx


Hilarious. I think I like every single role Justin Long plays. Except the Mac guy.

The night is a very dark time for me.


''More like Glenn and GAry suck Ross's meaty *beep*

"What is that, the sequel?"

He's rather disagreeable, isn't he?


I can't stop laughing now after reading this!!!


He did an amazing job as a gay guy....which makes me wonder HMMMM ;)
