MovieChat Forums > The Little Things (2021) Discussion > Denzel Washington Reportedly Furious, ‘B...

Denzel Washington Reportedly Furious, ‘Blindsided’ by Warner Bros Sending New Film The Little Things to HBO Max


So is he just pissed that he's not collecting a cut of the box office here?

I don't really understand why he's griping otherwise. Nobody is going to theaters, and the movie wasn't that great.


Yeah, if they can't collect millions in box office profits, they're going to continue to dust off these old garbage type films for us all. That's why Avengers was called "End Game", as in Game Over, as in end of the theater experience. They knew this CONvid crap was coming for decades, and planned it all in their "Operation Lockstep" whitepaper (google it). That's why all the stores had the plexiglass and floor stickers overnight. All that crap was sitting in warehouses ready to distribute as part of their "Great Reset". Turns out there's nothing great about it except they get install more control and restrictions, like a 911 on demand whenever they want now. As long as the fake virus exists in the news, the movies will never again reach the potential of "Godfather status" ever again. If CONvid were real, tons of the workers at stores that have been open the entire time like Walmart and Home Depot would be dead by now, and that is not even close to the case. All the death counts are hijacked from other things to pad their numbers (like regular flu, pneumonia, deaths). Go check out the death census records, and you'll see that no more people died in 2020 than in any other recent year. There is NO giant 400,000 person death spike in the death records. It's around the same as last year. It's all a sham. Heck, if you get hit by a bus or eaten by a shark, they mark your death as CONvid. This was admitted by Deborah Birx on national TV here: Dr. Deborah Birx | Recording Covid-19 as Cause of Death No Matter What
Time to take the face diaper off, and wake the ef up man.


Can I get some of what you've been smoking please...must be some good shit.


I was thinking the same thing LOL


Nothing's stranger than the truth, that's for certain.
