MovieChat Forums > Megamind (2010) Discussion > I too really love this movie but...(POSS...

I too really love this movie but...(POSSIBLE SPOILER)

I think it's just as well there isn't a sequel. This isn't a slam against the film, I just don't think a sequel could be as good. This film is unique in that it's about the supervillain finding out he can become a hero. If they did a Megamind 2, what would it be like? At the end, Megamind has become the city's new protector. So what else can you do with the story? A sequel would probably just be this: some evil villain attacks the city, Megamind has to save everyone...In other words, just another standard superhero-vs-supervillain film. While it could still be really well-done and funny, I guess what I'm saying is it wouldn't have the same freshness as the first one.


Maybe I'm the only one who's thinking this, but we don't need a bad villain, but maybe a superhero from a bigger city, who just wanted to protech more cities, and make Megamind question himself, if he made the right those of being a hero or a villain. That would be fun, and we'll still not have a real clue on what side he's really on.

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That just made me think of an idea. What if Megamind is asked to join a Justice League type team? I think there could be a lot of potential there. Interacting with other heroes, most of whom I'm sure would shun him because he used to be a villian, and maybe he even fought others before. After all, Lex Luthor didn't just battle Superman. Then some big team up fight to battle the big villain at the end of the movie. Now THAT is a movie I'd like to see.

"You will tremble in fear of Mad Man Oreo!!"


Maybe. I just don't think there's a whole lot of material to work with in the first place. Megamind didn't even know what to do when he finally won.


Well, that was kind of the point of the film: Megamind finally beat Metroman (though later we find out it's only because Metroman allowed him to win) and then Megamind finds life dull and pointless with no hero to fight.


I actually agree with this. I love the film, but I don't think it actually needs a sequel. I'd love to see a film where Megamind and Roxanne are actually together, but I am skeptical of how good a sequel would be. I saw on another thread someone mention a prequel though, and I do think that could be done well. However, I'm very content leaving well enough alone here. I don't have an issue with sequels, but it just seems like sometimes they want to just churn and churn more out to make money. Shrek for instance, Toy Story 4 (come on, the 3rd finished that story!), all the Despicable Me stuff.
