Entertaining or detestable
I am a man. A gay man, but a man, and while I love this show as face value entertainment, I also know that in a real world setting, I would find these women completely loathsome and detestable for the lives they lead. But I can also tell you that there are just as many men in this world, especially in gay culture who are just as self-indulgent and just as self-entitled as these women. Defend Carrie and her "search for love" all you want. But you all and I both know that Carrie would not have given Big a second look if he wasn't rich and handsome. If the men she dated couldn't wrap her in the glitzy lifestyle she thought she was entitled to, they couldn't make the cut. The only average joe she dated was Aiden. And he loved her with all he had in him, and ultimately offered his heart. But Aiden wasn't rich, was he? So she rejected a man willing to give her what she said was searching for all along. In the end, she chose the one who could give her the glitz. Never mind that Big's love for her was questionable at any given moment. He could afford her and that was the winning point. She said it herself. Their life together had to have sparkle if she was going to be happy in it (not sparks mind you, "sparkle"). Not once did Carrie sacrifice or compromise on what she wanted out of their marriage/relationship. Carrie brought NOTHING to the table but her demands and the seduction to get them. But Big was expected to abandon himself, just so she could keep up appearances.
All of that was just Carrie. Don't get me started on Samantha, who lived her life by her crusty, gaping trenches, or Charlotte who looked down on anyone that didn't choose the right china pattern or fit perfectly into her flawless, storybook life. Or Miranda who looked at men as "you'll only screw it up, I'll do it myself" but was sure to keep them close, because God knows, they can't make it without her to rescue them.
But like I said. Many men are just as bad. Some even worse, I'm sure. I'm just saying, it doesn't matter, either side of the "gender divide" it's equally as disgusting.
As I said. This is just a TV show. At face value, it's entertainment. I'll laugh at it. But if I knew these women (or men like them) personally? I'd throw them under a bus in a heartbeat. They aren't searching for love. Love may be part of the package, but it's LOADED with conditions. Very expensive conditions.