MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City (2008) Discussion > Samantha and Smith drive up price of rin...

Samantha and Smith drive up price of ring!

I thought it was too funny that Samantha and Smith unknowingly bid against each other and send the price of the ring through the stratosphere!


$55,000 for a ring. These people make me sick.



Such jealousy!


Why? If people can afford it, why other people's choices affect you? Are you going to judge all their personality based on the fact that they buy a expensive ring? Seriously? Just because people can spend a lot of money doesn't mean they lack virtues and are shallow.

Oh, btw, jewellery retains its value, a house or a car doesn't. I think people should be less concerned about how other people spend their money and stop judging them, they are not a burden to you, are they?

Vulgarity is no substitute for Wit- Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham


Samantha didn't know about Smith bidding for the ring, but I have a hard time believing that Smith didn't know he was bidding against Samantha. I'm pretty sure the woman on the phone told him.

R.I.P Paul Walker 1973-2013


Yes, he did know. Because he said when he gave it to her that he wanted to buy it for her.


I can understand why Sam was bothered. He was sneaky about it and kept "challenging" her money. I know he was trying to be romantic, but it would be different if he just bought her a ring and gifted it to her instead of doing it the way he did.


Maybe she had already told him that she didn't plan to bid over 50,000 and he decided to pay a little over that to surprise her. I also thought it was a huge waste of money. But on the bright side, the jilted model who was auctioning it off made some good money! And it was very romantic and thoughtful of him to buy and surprise her with it. I wish she would have stayed with him!


Me, too. I loved them together.
