I found it very cringe worthy,it didn t feel sexy,it didn t feel fun,it felt like sad, painful and kinda private I had never felt like that during sex scenes in satc usually but this one was very weird, didn t feel like a typical satc scene,or love scene. Its not because it was a love scene and not just sex cause also samntha had scenes like that with jason lewis,it was just...sick.anyone else?
Jeez. Maybe I'm an oddball, but I thought it was sweet that they both went to counseling, worked @ it, and ended up getting back together. Anyone can make a mistake, its learning from that mistake that's important in this thing called life. Oh well. I've always been a sucker for a happy ending. :)
I agree, marriage is about working things out, he wasn't a serial cheater, he made one mistake AND he confessed it to her, she didn't find out about it later.
Miranda had as much blame as Steve. She neglected her husband and belittled him.
No sex for 6 months?! She was healthy, had no medical condition, etc. I love my husband, I work a full time job too, etc, and I make the effort to have sex at least twice a week because I know how important it is to my husband to feel loved. If I didn't have sex with my husband for SIX MONTHS I wouldn't blame him for going elsewhere either!
I think Steve said an important line when he said, "Yes, I broke a vow. But what about the other vows?" I agree completely. Your spouse breaking one vow doesn't give you a pass to bail on yours. A marriage is a series of promises that you make to someone because you love them, not an agreement that's automatically void if one party doesn't keep their word.
When you get married, you both make promises to each other. You promise that you'll work through things. You promise that you'll stick it out for better or for worse. Too many people nowadays say the words, and then when s**t hits the fan, they go, "Wait ... that's the worse? I'm out." Obviously there are exceptions, and having never been cheated on, I can't speak to what I would do if I was in the actual situation, but I was glad to see them trying to work through things instead of pulling the plug because of one mistake.
I know this sounds mad, but I was never on Miranda's side with this. Yes, Steve cheated on his wife. Yes, that is out of order, but the thing is, she hadn't given him any in HALF A YEAR. What on earth did she expect him to do??
But he should have brought it up to her not go looking for it somewhere else. I fault them both but you can't give Steve a pass to go looking for it elsewhere because he wasn't getting it at home.
I agree LoBo_77018. This is why so many marriages fail, or keep going but a person in it is broken inside but stays anyway, for many reaons.
Oh I *beep* up, I'm sorry I confess, let's work it out, we had other problems, not as big as losing the trust that the relationship is based on, let's just add another one that could've been prevented,but I was too selfish and horny and she was willing. Eff off with that *beep* I do think it was good he told her and didn't hide it and had her find out another way. But cheating is not a mistake, its a choice. A mistake is something that happens accidently, a choice is something selective that you have power over and can choose whether or not to partake in it. Just mho. Bc he was sex deprived? Watch porn, exercise, read damn it, get a job, take a cold showet...Sheesh.
Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.
Steve was amazingly brave to even bring up the fact that he had had an "indiscretion", esp. knowing how violently angry Miranda can get! He's lucky he left the apt. with all parts still attached!!
My ex cheated on me once to start out with, then once became twice and im not even sure how many times he did it, we had regualr sex and even if we didnt its not a excuse to go find sex somewhere else.
My regret is I didnt leave him after the first time but i got talked into by a religious person to give him a second chance all that did was give him another chance to cheat.
I do not think i have ever known a man to cheat only once...and cheating isnt a "mistake its a choice"
Sláinte I am who I am your approval isnt needed or required.
You direct ad hominem attacks to the poster merely because she doesn't like Steve; thus you automatically lose the argument for your attitude shows how bitter, silly, and intolerant you are.
BTW, if you like Steve then your standards are definitely not that high. Perhaps he is handsome in your opinion, personally all the people I know find him unattractive. I see much better looking guys all the time, every single day. In my opinion Steve is below average.
I haven't lost any argument, you silly tit! You've asked everyone you know if Steve is attractive? wow-youre really weird. He's got a great body and his personality in the show is very likeable. You like the good looking guys who treat you like *beep* ok...to each his own I guess!
Yes, you have, because you have no argument whatsoever and ad hominem attacks are never okay for they show an inability to discuss things respectfully.
You've asked everyone you know if Steve is attractive? wow-youre really weird. He's got a great body and his personality in the show is very likeable.
Now, I am not weird but you seem to be! Besides, I do know the opinion of my friends. Also, we are here stating our opinion. In my opinion, when it comes to looks, Steve is below the average. If in your opinion he is great looking I guess your standards are very different from mine!
You like the good looking guys who treat you like *beep* ok...to each his own I guess!
How did you infer that? Oh let me guess! I dare to say that based on your experience you have never dated a great looking guy who treated you nicely? If your present behaviour is any indicator of how you tread other people then I can get the picture.
There are many great looking guys who treat women very well, and are on top of that intelligent, and sophisticated. I know so, I am with one of them (my spouse) and my dad and brother are like handsome, smart, and bright as well! Alas, it seems to me you haven't had many good experiences with good looking men and that is why you are so bitter and project your frustrations here. Stop making generalisations and accept the fact that your experiences are not everyone else's experiences. Steve may be your type but he is certainly not everyone's type. Many of us have dated and/or are with much more intelligent, kinder, successful, and better looking guys witch whom we share a fulfilling, happy, loving life!
Oh, by the way, Steve is not only below-the-average when it comes to looks but he is not a great human being either. He is not very bright, he has no many topics of conversation, lacks sophistication, has an infantile behaviour, he is pushy and irresponsible, and on top of that profoundly disrespected Miranda when he cheated on her! If you think those are the characteristics of a good guy, then I think you and I have nothing else to discuss.
Don't bother responding, I am placing you on ignore as some people here have already done.
Vulgarity is no substitute for Wit- Violet, Dowager Countess of Grantham reply share
i'm not sure about your life situation, but steve and miranda had a kid, they went through a slump. yes, steve made a mistake but we are all human. he only did it once and he ADMITTED it, which meant it killed him inside.
i met a married australian guy online. he flew to canada to be with me after 'leaving' his wife. he had cheated before.
Basically, you are saying that you should stay with a guy who cheats on you if you have a child? Oh my Gosh! We are in the 21st century! In case you didn't know, there is no evidence that supports the fact that children who grow up in functional and healthy single parent households are less happy than those who grow up in nuclear families. In fact, research suggests that what really matters is that children feel loved and have lives that are healthy and stable, that's all.
If a person decides to stay with an unfaithful partner it is a personal choice based on personal values. I admire those who love themselves enough to break up with partners who show little respect towards them. There are plenty of great people in the world who are successful, good-looking, interesting, and who do not cheat. I think it is sad to hear that some people don't think they deserved or can do better than having a cheating spouse! :(