Sam + Smith

First- I just wanna say that Smith seemed to age kind of badly between the end of the series and the movie.

Second- I absolutely hated that Samantha let Smith go for practically no good reason, after they'd been through so much together and had been together for so long. I get how Sam was feeling, but how could she basically throw Smith away knowing that he's the best man she's ever had in her life?


I hated that she used the same line she did for Richard "I love you but I love me more..." Smith didn't deserve that

"What you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how can a billion Chinese people be wrong?"


That was such a predictable line! I saw it coming before she said it. Lame writing.

"Leave the gun. Take the canolis."


I agree but to be fair, Smith didn't really even seem too upset. It was like he had been expecting it. He just kind of looked at her all squinty eyed in that scene in a way that bugged me.


Because she didn't love him deeply any more and she's not required to have a man in her life. Like the other poster said, Smith didn't seem upset about it. I think he realized things hadn't been the same for a long time. People fall out of love and I don't see anything wrong with them moving on to other relationships that do make them happy.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.
