Stanford and Anthony

On NYE when they meet up at the party, Anthony's reaction is sort like he was expecting him and happy he finally showed up, so was it a planned date?

People should have to pass a common sense test to be able to use message boards


I don't think it was. I think that Anthony was probably having an awful time and was relieved to see Stanford.

Am I right or am I right or am I right? Right? Right?? ~~ Ned Ryerson


Sorry, but I thought that was a stupid storyline. In the series, they hated each other.


As far as gay stereotypes go, you'd have to have them wearing dresses to get any worse.


gays dont wear dresses, dumdum-even in stereotypes


It was clear hat they planned on meeting-it was the writer's attempt to justify what happens in part two-the wedding


I thought his reaction was because he was bored and didn't find anyone there interesting to talk to/know anyone there and so when he saw Stanford he was just pleased to see a familiar face.
