MovieChat Forums > Recount (2008) Discussion > HORRIBLE history on Baker. he became a ...

HORRIBLE history on Baker. he became a republican because his wife died

I've met this man, he spoke at my college a few ears back. I've studied him to some extent and he DID NOT become a republican as the movie says. He was an unenthusiastic democrat from Texas who's republican wife (the one that died) helped get him into politics and swayed him to the party. He's made out to be some democrat trapped by republicans who took advantage of him in the wake of his wife's death. One of the many lies in this movie.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


The film was not so nefarious in its presentation. I'm curious if Baker's conversion was contemporaneous with Big John Connelly's.

I'm not saying we won't get our hair mussed!


DIdn't Jesus equate pride with sin?


Your tagline already gives away your IQ, so don't bother trying to sound smart.


One of many lies in this movie?
What were the other ones then?


Baker was not "trapped" or "taken advantage of."

In a way, he was actually portrayed as the most morally pure of the characters in the movie. He was the intuitive, devout counterpoint to Klaine, who even in the heat of the battle, wasn't SURE that what he was doing was right.

He's portrayed as someone who actually doesn't care much about politics or parties, he's loyal to people, and what H.W.Bush did for him earned his unwavering loyalty.

We're left to decide for ourselves whether that is a good thing or not.


Okay, I didn't get that sense from the end of the movies at all. When he was speaking to Ginsberg's character, he seemed to indicate that it was a good friend who, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Just couldn't bear to see me in so much pain" that invited him onto the campaign for a while to take his mind off of his wife's passing. That friend, he indicated, was G.H.W. Bush. I saw absolutely nothing malevolent or underhanded or anything in that presentation; he just switched to his friends party, that's all.

This is not the sig you are looking for.
