MovieChat Forums > Recount (2008) Discussion > We will need another recount this time a...

We will need another recount this time around, Obama's friends ACORN

are trying to steal this election. Registering cats, and dead people. 105% of the legal age voters in Indiana being registered. Homeless people from surrounding states being bribed with cigarettes to register and vote in Ohio. People being intimidated to vote for Obama. An ACORN worker on camera saying she's telling people to vote for Obama. Obama's past with the COMMUNITY ORGANIZER group that he was an attorney for. This is a farce. Oh and lets not forget about Obama's financial contributions by Mr. and Mrs. Good Will, and akjdanb akfhsadfhp and ,,,rrr akuro. This is really happening. Then the polls are being injected to show a certain outcome. Gallup ADMITS to having oversampled democrats by 10% and oversampled black voters. The media refusing to cover these issues is not shocking. This is your country people. It is being run by socialists and crackheads with red sigs that say ACORN. Take your country back.

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The fact that Obama is getting so much support shows that the Dems would elect a rock if it was a Democrat. Every time I hear him stuttering around trying to avoid answering a question before going into his meaningless rhetoric I am just amazed he could get any support.



Keith, it's quite simple. Your choice under a McCain administration is a body bag or living under a bridge. Or maybe both. You can rant about Wright and Ayers and ACORN all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you have no chance with McCain/Palin. Anyone who cares at all about themselves or their family would not be so stupid as to make the wrong choice at the ballot box. Or would they?


Obama is a socialist, I would prefer living in a box with liberty than having none and being taken care of by a bloated cgov't that controls my life. McCain will make this country prosper again. The democrat like fiscal policies of Bush along with out of control democrats have caused these problems. Remember Obama was one of the men who blocked regulation of fannie and freddie, Barney Frank, Dodd, and other dems who protected the firm. And even with his spending Bush had the Dow at RECORD HIGHS our economy bounced back from 9/11 the housing market was great, for SIX YEARS, then the dems take over for 2 and we have crap for the last 2 years. Good job.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!



Over taxing the "rich" to redistribute it to the "poor" SOCIALIZED healthcare COUGH, I mean universal healthcare, RIGHHTTT! Restrictions on the use of energy, I could go on. I think YOU should look up the word, Obama fits in with them. Perhaps he's not going to nationalize all industries on paper, but democrats AKA socialists are smarter than that, they do it through taxation and regulation. I wish I had an AIDS gun for you to shoot yourself with.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


Trompos, in the tradition of all True Christians (tm), wishes AIDS on someone. Love your neighbor as yourself? Pheh! What liberal hogwash.

I for one will not be voting for anyone who was a Keynote Speaker at an ACORN event, except for this guy:[tt_news]=22386&tx_ttnews[backPid]=12387&cHash=5706e23a2f


I never wished aids on anyone, i said she should shoot herself with an aids gun, and aids guns don't exist.

About McCain speaking for ACORN! We have to remember that McCain was speaking to a government funded org. that is supposed to be non-partisan. He did nothing wrong in speaking there. ACORN has since showed itself to be radical, hopelessly partisan (endorsing Obama and registering people for Obama and asking and bribing them to vote for him) So McCain spoke to a group of ACORN workers, so what? Obama was their lawyer, and they're cheating elections for him investigated by the FBI in several states.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!



"I'd accuse you of being Bill O'Reilly, but I don't think he knows how to use a computer (or spell it) Have fun with Obama in the White House. You ought to be a lot of fun at cocktail parties then. "

You claim to be a republican but all you can do is attack people who are conservative or right of center. O'Reilly? A conservative independent who has done nothing but be even handed on his handling of Obama and who has many moderate opinions? That's who you attack? You coward you.

"OK, so by your own quote, either George Bush is a socialist and a crackhead, since he is running the country, or he is not a socialist and a crackhead and NOT running the country, even though he is currently President."

You're fool you moron. You imbecile. Not only am I not a fan of Bush as he is very socialistic in his spending and economic policies, but you're more of a fool because you equate being president to being in control. You ignoramus. The president is not the be all and end all of power you retarded monkey. Look at the house and senate, look at the large cities and their councils and the state senates. Look at all the levels of government the bureaucracies that truly run our lives, you dunce. Do wat I do and deal with the people's republic of NYC and see if the person who picks up the phone or inspects your proerty isn't a toothless uneducated former or current addict who did time in jail You fool, you know nothing.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!

PS: I'm sure Jesus is happy with my outting people who abuse of their power and who rob liberty.



yap yap yap, jump in a pool of aids already (not a literal one, as I'm too good a Christian to ACTUALLY want you to jump in a pool of aids.)

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


SOCIALISM: Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

You dumb turd.


"SOCIALISM: Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

You dumb turd."

So you went to the dictionary to define a political ideology and when it doesn't fit in perfectly with what's being purposed you call me a dumb turd. Let's examine that. Sweden is openly socialist, as is Finland, and Norway, and yet they have "private industry" except the industries are not exactly private. High taxation takes a large portion of profits and regulation allows the gov't to control these industries. How is this different than what Obama is purposing? Industry, ie the means of production WILL be in control of the gov't and by extension, will be collectively owned.

I like the use of the word collective in this definition though.

"and recognizing that my fate remained tied up with their fates, that, uh, that my individual salvation, uh, is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country. Um, Unfortunately, I think that recognition, uh, requires that we make sacrifices, and this country has not always been willing to make the sacrifices necessary to bring about a new day and the new age. [snip] I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

-Barack Obama

Let's remember that socialism is not only the direct takeover of private industry by the gov. but also land reform, and wealth redistribution. These are basic tenets of socialism that obama embraces. Who's the turd now?
If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!


I'm sorry, but are you arguing against the Swedish system? Care to explain why? Do you consider the American system of military keynesianism the embodiment of liberty? Are you operating under the mistaken assumption that the United States practices free enterprise?


Sweden is openly socialist, as is Finland, and Norway, and yet they have "private industry" except the industries are not exactly private. High taxation takes a large portion of profits and regulation allows the gov't to control these industries.

How is for instance Nokia being controlled by Finland? It's actually the other way around. When the CEO of Nokia says something, Finnish politicians listen. They can't afford to not to.


I find it funny when people say obama is a socialist. The Republicans are biggest socialist around. Only difference is there socialist to the rich. Were as obama is socialist to the poor. So whats the fu_cking difference, none. Except that obama might help people who need it. Instead of helping big fat cat jackasses who dont need it.


The references to ACORN are unjustified. There was evidently some embezzlement at the top. And the crime committed was "voter registration fraud," not "voter fraud."

What happened during ACORN's voter registration drive happens a lot on surveys. You have non-professionals supposed to be marching from house to house and accurately recording information.

But there's nothing to stop them from meeting their quota by making stuff up. I worked for a commercial survey once, did a proper job, and found when I got back that most others had gotten through double the number of households. They couldn't possibly have done the job according to the rules. Almost certainly, that's what happened with ACORN. They made up names, registered households more than once, picked names at random from the phone book, etc.

It was clearly a sloppy job but not necessarily uncommonly sloppy. All such community-wide surveys and polls probably wind up with a lot of error variance.

In any case, the impact on voting was probably small. Mickey Mouse isn't likely to show up and vote. Neither is some guy who's dead or who has moved to Hawaii. And no one is likely to vote twice.


ACORN is a typical red herring argument used by the right. The attacks on ACORN as a whole are equivalent to the unfair hit our soldiers in Itaq faced after Abu Ghraib. Just like with Abu Ghraib, the ACORN scandal was a couple of out of control members of a huge organization acting irresponsibly. Now unfortunately every member of that organization is now tarred with that brush.

Of course, the Dems used their red herrings too when Bush was prez so no side can claim the moral high ground in American politics anymore. Criticism of Bush's reaction to 9/11 when he kept reading to the school kids was an example. Our politics have become such that winning is all that matters and in the end we get the government we deserve. We complain about our politicians being dishonest but at the same time we'll never elect a politician who suggests we might have to actually make a specific sacrifice.



Stop with the "OMGOBAMAACORNFRAUD" stuff. EVERYONE who wasn't delusional knew in October 2008 who was winning. He was going to win no matter what, and he won by ten million votes. Let it go...



This is the most idiotic thing I Have ever read. You need to stop getting your information from Fox News, because you're being duped. Fox gets away with saying what they say because they know their viewers are poorly educated, and won't question them. Looks like their assumption is correct, eh?

"Nothing says "OBEY ME" like a severed head on a fence post."


Since no wrongdoing was ever found in the ACORN Indiana deal, I'm sure you'll just go ahead and delete that post....

Or will you? Of course not. Another zombie lie lives and will never die.
