Stop watching Fox News and reading right-wing conspiracy web sites and you'll be better informed.
I did a search and had trouble picking which article to send you--they all agreed global warming is real. I found one by The Register (UK's right-wing newspaper) that said a study paid for by Bill Gates ($100,000) and the Koch brothers ($150,000) said global warming was real. (Note that the Koch brothers are global warming skeptics, and they paid for most of the study.) In the end, I am linking the article below because it actually mentions a percentage of scientists that believe in global warming:
According to this survey, only 90% believe in global warming (not the 99% I mention above, which was from a prior study). 82% of them also said that man has a "significant affect" on global warming (i.e. it's at least partially man-made).
I'm not buying into Gore's concept. I'm buying into what the scientific community says. You're a wacko for not believing experts in climate change. Who's got you convinced they're wrong... Rush Limbaugh? Glenn Beck? Sorry, I'm going to believe climate eggheads before I believe you.