MovieChat Forums > Recount (2008) Discussion > Gore was better off losing

Gore was better off losing

This way he can perpetrate one of the biggest frauds in history, global warming, and profit over $100 million.

Imagine this con happening in the oval office. Oh is right now. Under Obama.


Thanks for that completely unbiased piece of information!


So he hasn't made over $100 million off of global warming?


Just curious, but if the sky is blue and people pay me to say "the sky is blue", does that mean the sky is a different color?

99% of all climate scientists say global warming is a fact. Why do you wackos want to believe the 1% and not the 99%?


99%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you smoking? The amount of skeptics increase every day.

You know what would help the global warming cause? If there weren't a story every other week about faked data. It might have some credibility. Even the famed hockey stick chart was manipulated. That hockey stick chart chart is what the whole theory is based off of.

You're a sucker who is buying Gore's get rich scheme. Every time he is challenged to a debate he turns it down because he knows it's all bogus. The "facts" in his movie are wrong too. Sorry chicken little.


Stop watching Fox News and reading right-wing conspiracy web sites and you'll be better informed.

I did a search and had trouble picking which article to send you--they all agreed global warming is real. I found one by The Register (UK's right-wing newspaper) that said a study paid for by Bill Gates ($100,000) and the Koch brothers ($150,000) said global warming was real. (Note that the Koch brothers are global warming skeptics, and they paid for most of the study.) In the end, I am linking the article below because it actually mentions a percentage of scientists that believe in global warming:

According to this survey, only 90% believe in global warming (not the 99% I mention above, which was from a prior study). 82% of them also said that man has a "significant affect" on global warming (i.e. it's at least partially man-made).

I'm not buying into Gore's concept. I'm buying into what the scientific community says. You're a wacko for not believing experts in climate change. Who's got you convinced they're wrong... Rush Limbaugh? Glenn Beck? Sorry, I'm going to believe climate eggheads before I believe you.


Nuff said


"Nuff said" is right. You link me some wacko's personal web site to refute an actual study of real scientists done by a legitimate source, and paid for mostly by a global warming skeptic? You're hopeless. Go put your tin foil hat back on.
