Katherine Harris reminded me so much of Sarah Palin, in particular being out of her league in the national spotlight, and her strong religious beliefs. It amazes me that people like this are in our halls of power, when they should be working a Macy's cash register.
citizenright, I don't quite know how you translate our poking fun at, and criticizing a politician, as being a response to feeling threatened. I think I speak for most progressives and liberals when I say I would love nothing more than to have the GOP pick Sarah as their next #1 in the Prez race- hardly a threat!! She portrays everything that is wrong w/ the Republicans, not evrything they have right, which i guess is what you're trying to say....
Palin had astronomical job approval ratings as Governor, at times reaching the 90% approval range.
Palin is extremely accomplished, and I would put her résumé, intelligence and bank account up against anyone here that calls her "stupid" or other childish names, all because they don't like her politics, or worse, believe and repeat lies about her, then run around and call her stupid.
Ironic. I know some people that still think she engaged in aerial hunting and though Africa was a Country. I guess when you get your "news" from US Magazine and such, you end up ignorant, or are just intellectually lazy.
The people that dedicated their lives towards tearing her down, attacking her, her family, etc... must be extremely sad, unhappy, hateful people.
And not very bright. Yet some in Alaska are still dumpster diving for dirt, yet they can't find any. But they call her stupid? Ironic.
If she's so stupid, how did she go from an average girl to a PTA Mom, City Councilwoman, Mayor, Chairperson of the Alaska Gas and Oil Commission, VP Candidate, 2x best-selling author, highly-paid and sought after public speaker, guest commentator for the most-successful cable news network and makes a lot more money than you will ever see, even in your dreams?
Because she's smart and savvy and far more so than bloggers that criticize her hair and clothes and other nonsense and call her names.
Those are the facts. She is a self-made millionaire and a self-made success. An American success story that made it on her own. The epitome of the American dream of achieving success thru hard work and perseverance.
How many of you that are calling her "stupid" and other names can say the same?
None of you, that's how many.
If you believe that's she's the caricature that the media created of her, you have been had and perhaps should examine your own intelligence before questioning that of someone that has made something out of their lives and has become very successful.
The Media is still attacking her nearly 4 years later over trivial things like her hair and choice of clothes. What a sad bunch.
You would think after the AP filed an FOIA and dug thru 24,000 of her emails while serving as Governor and came up with nothing, and those emails showed her to be a competent, articulate, thoughtful and effective leader, they would finally give up, yet they're still dumpster-diving.
Sad, much like those with a hysterical hatred of her.
Palin IS stupid. She doesn't know squat about anything. She shouldn't be in politics, she shouldn't even run a McDonald, she would bankrupt it within a year.