MovieChat Forums > Generation Kill (2008) Discussion > I think Sixta was misunderstood.

I think Sixta was misunderstood.

The entire series I wanted to kick Sixta in the nutsack. During Bomb in the Garden, he totally redeemed himself by asking about the men's morale and then saying if it got too low he would kick their butts about the grooming standard and winked. That implied that he was being a hardass to give the men something to focus on (hating Sixta) then how miserable they were to be in a war far from home.



You hit the nail on the head.


I thought he also had an excellent point when he called out the guy who lost his helmet, and said that when you don't enforce one standard it's easy for soldiers to go loose on others.


Very true Matt. I remember hating when I higher up would come screaming at me for not wearing a hat right,or leaving one item off my uniform ( I did it on purpose) but now I get that enforcing attention to detail with the small things could save someone's life when the sh. hits the fan.

Also Sixta yelling at Manimal for attempting fornication with this gas mask was pretty funny too.


everyone is misunderstood


The real-life version of Sixta got convicted for raping a kid though. The more you know \o/


It's a very close-minded thing to do, you know, having a negative bias based on one thing(rumor)you read, and using it to entirely deject another human and any possible goodness in them. Grow up.


Narrow minded? Was Sixta (his real name) also narrow minded when he pled guilty to molesting the boy and getting 10 years hard time (

Even if he weren't a sexual predator, he should have been court martialed for giving aid to the enemy when he stupidly ordered the munitions truck to be abandoned without at least blowing it up. It's as if he left everyone who ever hated us a big, giant present. All he needed was a bow.

There is no excuse, justification, rationalization or anything else you want to call it that can mitigate how appallingly incompetent this small eyes was?


I thought he was hilarious.

"You're inappropriating your chemical device by attempting fornication with it. Do I have to tell you not to desecrate you mask with perversions?"


He's functionally illiterate, at least according to the Arizona Department of Corrections:


Pappy said it in the beginning, his job was to be an *beep* He may have been illiterate and a pedophile, but he understood morale and he was there to make sure that everyone hated him instead of taking it out on civilians or not doing their jobs.

He's still a horrible person. I wouldn't call him a good Marine, he was known as "The Coward of Khafji" after all.


I think the only way anyone would misunderstand Sixta would be if they didn't watch the entire show and never saw the scene you're referring to.
