I think sixta was more concerned about protocols and was joking about the earlier episodes regarding grooming standards. also he's kinda nuts so who knows...
well he did say if moral gets too low, i'll stir them up with grooming standards, mostly due to that one solider getting divorce papers. so i am guessing by stirring them up with that, they would focus on what is at hand . not back in the world.
I KNOW 2 things that are clear.I'm a great sinner,Christ is a great Savior.
That's part of the unwritten job description for the higher ups in the military I suppose. We had E7 and above in the Navy would go and pick on us on little things, and while some of them were pure aholes, they had a point. You don't want a 20 year old to get comfortable and relax, and then when it comes time to shoot back at the enemy hesitate, or have his gun jam or whatever. Remember what happens to Garza (was that his name)? He forgets to strap his helmet on and he loses it.
Did you notice how Sixta lost some of his accent when he talked among officers and other E7s?
Agree with jackfrusiante. When I was in, we had a Sgt. Major none of us could stand. It wasn't until I got out though that I was really able to reflect on his role in the company. It didn't matter what was going on or what differences I may have had with my fellow soldiers, the one thing we could always agree on was that this guy was an a**hole.
I think that's what Sixta does in the series. He knows the grooming standard stuff is crap, and he knows the men hate him because of it. But he also knows it keeps them on their toes and gives them all something in common.
This is an old tactic used to get guy's mind's off of certain things. The idea is that if they are really pissed at you, then they are not thinking of the stuff going on back home. Also guys that are pissed off about the same thing can actually uplift each other buy bitching and moaning about it together. Ever felt great after blowing some steam and going on a nice rant about something? Same sort of thing.
Yep. Instead of bitching and griping at each other, it gives them a common target to bitch and gripe about together. Unites them in their common hatreds, instead of everyone going off about 20 different things.