Surely marines aren't this stupid???
okay i have a question.
in the first few scenes they are conducting a last training exercise in kuwait - in the rundown afterwards, lt fick has a bunch of rocks in a line (just in case any of the team leaders are soooo moronic that they can't remember what 6 humvees driving in a straight line looks like).
he tells them they went wrong because they slowed their vehicles when one of the drivers 'died'. so sgt(? i think) colbert suggests the nearest vehicle goes to check on the situation while they others provide fire cover. fick looks like he's considering the suggestion for the first time ever. they even move one of the rocks over to the 'dead' driver so everyone understands what he's saying. they ALL look like 'wow - that's a great idea there brad! maybe we should consider that!!!' - and fick says yeah sure that would work, so long as you don't let emotions take over..............end of rundown, they all go separate ways.
so are they trying to say that in the history of the training of the marine corps, not ONE person has ever suggested, or not ONCE have they every tried, this magical idea of one vehicle checking on the situation. FOR *beep* SAKE IIIIII would have suggested that, and i'm a girl who's never even touched a gun in my life, let alone know a thing about war combat.
i don't know, the whole scene just really sticks out to me - i don't know if that one is also based on reality, or if they just stuck whatever in there to show they did last training in kuwait.
that's all - my only beef in what was a fascinating, interesting, amazing piece of television, and only the second tv show in my entire life which i have turned around the second i finished the final show and began watching in its entirety from the beginning again. i can't believe some of the characters were portrayed in that way! they must be fuming....