I just watched this, avoiding it for years because just about anything HBO/Showtime/etc. does related to the military is usually utter leftist crap...
While the uniforms, equipment and all the little FUBAR things (no batteries, etc) reflected true I could not believe how so many of the officers were painted as utter morons.
As a former Army recon (LRS) soldier I can attest that we had no one, including officers, that came anywhere near the level of incompetence and stupidity that was focused on over and over in this series.
I'm assuming that Marine Recon, like Army Recon, is a "double volunteer" group and that the teams are generally far superior to anything in the "rank & file" units, including the officers.
While I wanted to follow through to the end, by episode 6 I couldn't take anymore and gave up.
Can some real Marines (Infantry/Recon, no pogues please)provide their opinion?
Though I am not a member of the Recon Community and would not present myself as such, I believe I can shed some light on your questions.
1) The series is based on a book written by an embedded Rolling Stone reporter who spent most of his time with a team of enlisted, none of which were above E-5 in pay grade. This does skew the perception of officers somewhat. It's also a television drama, which means just that; characters and situations are dramatized.
2) The officers were portrayed as extremely glory hungry, and there is an element of truth to this, but there is an important fact that you have to consider, namely that the 2003 invasion was based on the doctrine of "Maneuver Warfare" which focuses on bypassing prolonged and bloody engagements with the enemy in favour of decapitation strikes against his command and control. This kind of warfare is extremely aggressive, and extremely mobile, some would even say reckless. The officers were under constant pressure from their superiors to deliver results, ending the invasion as quickly as possible was seen as the best way to minimize unnecessary casualties, both friendly and civilian. Weather or not this strategy was effective is a hotly debated topic.
3) 1st Recon was operating outside of its normal role of moving ahead of the main force covertly in order to identify and potentially raid enemy formations and positions. Instead it had been tasked essentially to harass and tie up as many enemy units as possible so that other elements could either encircle them, or bypass them completely in an effort seize Baghdad. First Recon's doctrine is not built around moving around in Humvees, and in fact the battalion had to scavenge and refit several vehicles from other units, as prior to the invasion it didn't even have the Humvees it needed for this task.
4) Two of the officers that receive the most unfavourable portrayals ("Captain America", "Encino Man") were not themselves part of 1st Recon prior to the invasion. Captain America and Encino Man were essentially rear echelon intelligence officers, neither of them had seen combat before or had been trained for the kind of combat 1st recon specializes in, and after the invasion they were returned to their previous assignments.
Rolling Stone was in a truck with only one Marine above E-5 (Iceman who was a SSgt.) but he was pretty well exposed to Lt. Fick and his whole Platoon. Rolling Stone was also pretty in with Capt. America's Platoon. He was a direct witness to many of Capt. America's and Encino Man's exploits. And lets be honest here, the jury is not out on those 2. They have been convicted of idiocy without a shadow of a doubt by a jury of their peers, not just outed by Rolling Stone. SSgts Kocher and Colbert are pretty good judges if you ask me. Colbert, now a Master Sgt., has pretty much a stellar reputation. Some of the Encino Man supporters say Rolling Stone 'latched' onto Dbags and got tainted. Colbert is hardly a Dbag, nor is SSgt Kocher.
You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?
Did you not see what the poster above you wrote? Captain America/Encino Man were simply intelligence officers, which requires them to stay undercover. They are there to observe the military, so their individual idiocy is a moot point.
I'm sorry but really? Episode 6? You couldn't just finish the damn show? That's just plain silly. There are 7 episodes.
Otherwise I generally agree with you about the moronic Captains in charge, but this is based on a non-fiction book, in which I highly doubt has been altered so significantly to add dramatic effect; that's not David Simon's/Ed Burn's style.
I'm not a Marine, but worked with them a lot. I was in Iraq when this came out and watched it with a bunch of guys from 3rd Recon. They could not stop laughing. I mean every scene had them cracking up. Make of that what you will.
If a day does not require an AK, it is good Ice Cube Warrior Poet
Most of the Ricky Recon Bubbas that I knew loved this mini series and thought it was hilarious as well. But then again, there's no way you could really tell if I was a Marine. I could be a 12 year boy trolling around looking for attention. I could be a Navy SEAL that hangs around IMDB out of boredom. Or I could be a porn star with a really big Johnson that has hardcore sex with a bunch of different chicks on a daily. You know what? Lets stick with that last one there.
The guys I knew were from 1st Recon. Bunch of laid back dudes with a better command than what they had in the Generation Kill timeframe, at least when I was in. The only flak/crap that they would get were from different units about their uniforms and their hair being out of reg. Or a prior DI putting them on blast for something stupid, while trying to make a point about how he's just as equivalent to them. It was kind of hilarious and unbelievable that they started putting "Recon Only" signs around their barracks. Good times
Are you for real? As any vet will tell you. You NEVER ask a question like that online ever!! Sigh.. I have one family member who served in a MFREC unit and I talked to him and if you really did serve why do you NOT know anyone to talk to or to direct you? Instead you ask on IMDB? Now that is a total JOKE dude. Sorry but I doubt your authenticity as it looks like so many others who you call pogues which I call posers.
Dr.Nichole A. MD. AKA Nicky was here.
I never revisit posts. Also too busy and mature to argue.
Really? Any vet? Speaking in absolutes, especially when it is 100% obvious that you have no direct experience with the topic (unless your picture and name are fake) really makes you look immature.
I asked for an opinion from **Marines**, since I was not a Marine.
Combat arms in the US military is not "Fight Club"..
The term "double volunteer" was coined and used in World War II to describe military personnel who not only volunteered to enlist (not drafted) but also volunteered for specialized duties or training (such as Airborne, Submarine, Tanker, etc.)
Having served in the Regular Army from 2000-2010, I never once heard someone use that term. I served in: 82nd Airborne Division, F/51 IN, CALL, MiTT.
The first I heard of it was when I first saw Band of Brothers which ended up being false since many of the troopers were draftees.
"Toto, I've [got] a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
On the 8th day god created the infantry. The infantry went to god and said "God, we are weary". So God created infantry support. On the afternoon of the 8th day the infantry went to God and said, "God we are weary". God said "I have given you infantry support, why are you weary?". Infantry said to God "that is what we are weary of"
I'm not even talking about grammar. I'm talking about military nomenclature and jargon. And the military do tend to be quite big on that. It's actually an important skill that they give you. If you actually were involved with the military you wouldn't be digging yourself deeper into a hole with responses like that.
Glasgow's FOREMOST authority Italics = irony. Infer the opposite please.