MovieChat Forums > Surrogates (2009) Discussion > What about going out to a bar or restaur...

What about going out to a bar or restaurant?

They can do everything except eat and drink right? Sometimes you want to go somewhere. Some might want to go to a bar or restaurant. How do they do that? Would it catch on?

Happy girls are the prettiest - Audrey Hepburn
So that's why only ugly girls treat me badly


Well, in the animated series FUTURAMA, Bender (the robot) just loves his beer...
It is all "fantasy/sci-fi" of course, so what would the electro-mechanical surrogates do? What powers them? Would they eat and have the sensations of all that linked back the their human?
If so, what a way to 'pig out' without the usual weight gain... That could catch on.

But back to the movie.
Wasn't that what the electrode was doing to/for the surrogate? Acting like a drug, by causing an interruption of the normal sensations? The wife of the main character (Bruce Willis) did not "do" the electrode... Would that electrode have been dangerous to a human? Through the surrogate, that seemed to indicate there were safeguards on the feedback to the humans.
Think of the crazy internet "challenges" that can harm people IRL, like the cinnamon challenge... eat, or try to eat, a tablespoon of dry cinnamon powder. That has landed more than a few people in the hospital when they inhaled some of the spice, and it hurt their breathing. Imagine what a surrogate could "ingest" at the control of its human, knowing the human would not be harmed...

That "weapon" in the movie overrode the feedback/sensations safety features, and allowed the human linked to the surrogate to be harmed.


It was probably some sort of stun gun.
