not that bad
First off let me say, that I am a huge fan of the brilliantly violent True Romance which obviously inspired this much weaker rendition. Even with that said, I didn't think this was as bad as everybody is labeling it. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed this much more than some of the other "poor man's True romance" movies that have been made over the years such as the way over-rated Boondock Saints and the more recent Smoking Aces. Im not saying this is great by any means but it is for the most part entertaining. It doesn't try to be too hip and trendy like the movies I mentioned above. With the exception of Slater(who can do this type of role with his eyes closed) the acting is pretty average and the directing and script need some polishing. The pacing is ok which at times makes up for these short comings. It's definitely not worth seeing it at the cinema for $10 but worth a rental.