MovieChat Forums > The Adventures of Tintin (2011) Discussion > Proof that Spielberg could still make an...

Proof that Spielberg could still make another great Indy movie

To me, this film proves that Spielberg is still able make great action adventure movies, like the first three Indiana Jones films. The styles of the Indy movies and Tintin are quite similar.

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was OK, in my opinion, but its weakness was definitely the story. Spielberg is a great director and I think, with a good script, a fifth Indiana Jones movie could be epic. And with Disney now being able to make more Indiana Jones movies, maybe a fifth isn't that far away.
I just hope they don't screw it up. Indiana Jones means more to me than Star Wars.


I liked The Last Crusade, mostly because of the father-son chemistry. Both Connery and Ford were at their peak age and experience as actors during it's filming. The other films were lame.

I am really not looking forward to #5, Shea LaPoof is no good as a Jones.


I love all three old Indiana Jones movies and after what LaBeouf said about Indy 4, I doubt he'll return for the fifth movie. I don't think Spielberg will ever work with him again.
