MovieChat Forums > The Adventures of Tintin (2011) Discussion > Infantile humor and earnest, fridge-nuki...

Infantile humor and earnest, fridge-nuking action.

This film tried too hard but achieved very little, except for failure. Oodles of pure failure.

The "humor", for want of a better description, was borishly crass and tediously childish. Even though the film was aimed at kids, the constantly lame fart, burp and slapstick gags did not impress the young audince and induced eye-rolls from the old. Drunken humor? In 2011? Really?

As for the incessant and baseless action, well we can see that Spielberg has now completely dismissed and forgotten the intelligently written action set-pieces he used to brilliantly direct. Now days he just relies on CGI to nuke those fridges, or in the case of this film, crash those cranes. Or crash that plane. Or chase that falcon. Or fight those pirates or.....blah blah blah blah.

So much pointless and needless action. So much suspension of belief. So much CGI nonsense.

Even the fight between The Unicorn and Red Rackham had to be battled during an immense storm, with the pirate vessel flying above, dropping gleeful and eager pirate boarders. Just stupid. A more traditional fight, on calm seas, with normal boarding methods, would have been far more effective. Instead, we are subjected to unbelievable and silly action for action's sake.

And the less said about the truly needless crane fight, idiotic street chase and ridiculous plane crash, the better.

Spielberg? Give it up already. The CGI is killing your credibility.


Your post is trying too hard to be negative. The art of trolling is something subtle, not something as outlandish and brutally-in-your-face as this. 0/10

"Into the fire she swallowed their hate." -- Dahlia


I am not trolling. I am posting an honest and relevant opinion detailing serious shortcomings in this film's writing and execution.

I will leave the trolling commentary to the likes of you.


Can't really be that relevant if the film came out over a year ago, which was then immediately followed by many stupid comments from you and your ilk?

This isn't relevant, this is just a re-run.

Baba O'Riley... the best song in the world


Its extremely relevant to the topic of discussion, (IE, Tin Tin). As for stupid comments, well you are now the second to make one of those on this thread. You and your ilk.

Very relevant. Very much worth discussing. Perhaps if you took a break from trolling, you might see that.


Everything film related is relevant here on IMDb. You probably belong with the Tumblr crowd if you think such nonsense.

If we're going to brand things irrelevant, the award goes to everything being discussed in 'The Soapbox' board.

I'm game for discussing movies from any era. This is a new movie, well 2011, I still consider new. Or modern if we're going to get technical about things.

"Stop looking at the walls, look out the window." ~ Karl Pilkington On Art


Re-read my entire post and you'll get the point I was making;

The guy I'm replying to is a known and notorious troll who has an almost pathological hatred of this movie and its fans. He's actually been trolling this film since before it was released.

So his claims of relevancy fall on deaf ears here.

Baba O'Riley... the best song in the world


Re-read my entire post and you'll get the point I was making
I re-read your post and the only point I can see you making is the fact you are a troll. It's a film website. I am discussing film. It's a message board for Tin Tin. I am discussing Tin Tin.
The guy I'm replying to is a known and notorious troll who has an almost pathological hatred of this movie and its fans.
I'm discussing film and you are engaging in personal insults. Yet I'm the troll?
He's actually been trolling this film since before it was released.
That is a preposterous lie.
So his claims of relevancy fall on deaf ears here.
I am not claiming relevancy. I am posting an opinion on a film. Maybe you should try it sometime.Good day.


It's a message board for Tin Tin. I am discussing Tin Tin.

It's "Tintin".



It's Tin Tin. And is there any chance you can stay on topic?


Nope, it's Tintin. I trust the character's creator over some random dude on the interwebs who can't even get his facts straight.


It's Tin Tin in Asia, where the bulk of the world's people reside. Tintin is a crude term for a boy's penis. Maybe you like this meaning. Who knows. But I won't be using it.


The word you're thinking of is spelled "Chin Chin". In Asian territories, Tintin is called "Tantan" (which is actually the correct pronunciation of the name in French).


The word you're thinking of is spelled "Chin Chin".
No. You are wrong yet again. It's spelled Tintin. Fact!
In Asian territories, Tintin is called "Tantan"
No, he is called Tin Tin. Fact!


Nope, it's "Chin Chin". I have Asian friends who confirmed this last time you spouted this BS. And according to the official website, managed by Hergé's estate, he's not called "Tin Tin" in any of the countries you mentioned (although he's called "Tan Tan" in Japan):


1. Its Tin Tin2. You have no Asian friends who confirmed this.3. I have never posted this before. 4. He IS called Tin Tin in Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Korea, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Burma, Brunei, Taiwan and East Timor.


1. No, it isn't. Check the official website.

2. Yes, I do.

3. Yes, you have.

4. No, he isn't. Again, check the official website.


1. Yes it is. The official website is no written for Asia.

2. No, you don't

3. No, I haven't. You have no proof and are a known lying troll. Move on.

4. Yes he is. The official website is written in English. His name is Tin tin in many Asian languages. Fact.


Just to end such a silly debate:

Tintin was written by a Belgian and published first in Belgian and French. Hence, those are the "real" names. Anything else are translations.
Hence, the original names of the characters are: Tintin, Milou, Haddock, Tournesol, Dupond, Dupont. Anything else are translations to fit into other languages.
We call Milou "Terry". But I would never claim that was the real name.

Who am I to argue with the captain of the Enterprise?


Be that as it may, more people on Earth call him Tin Tin than Tintin, because to those billions of people, Tintin is a child's penis.



So, you judge what is "correct" or "official" by how many people use it?
What does that even mean?
Why are you writing in English, then? For billions more people, Mandarin Chinese is their first language, so Mandarin is OBVIOULSY the official language of Earth.
IMDb does not allow Asian language italics on it's boards.
I suppose you're also the type of person who judges a movie's quality based up on how much money it makes at the Box Office. Let me tell you something... the Free Market is largely a load of crap.
That also makes no sense. Much like your reviews.

Shut up, you stuttering OCD autistic freak.


I fail to see your point.
The correct name is always the name the creator of the Work has given it, in his own language. Everything else are translations or alterations.
Hence, no matter how many people speak chineese, the original name is the frenc/belgian one, as I said before. And being original, that's what is correct.
Pretty much end of argument.

Who am I to argue with the captain of the Enterprise?


I am allowed to call him Tin Tin because over half the world's population does just that. Deal with it.


Feel free to call him whatever you want. Just don't claim that yours is the correct way.

Who am I to argue with the captain of the Enterprise?


But mine is the correct way. As correct as any other.


Well, obviously you don't understand what I've been saying in my posts before then. Original=correct. But I'm not going to bother with debating the issue, since it's obvious you don't understand the basic premise of what constitutes original.

Who am I to argue with the captain of the Enterprise?



Thank you. I am glad you finally recognize the legitimacy of my stance.

His name is Tin Tin. This is true and cannot be debated.



But mine is the correct way.

Your's is a correct way in certain territories, not the correct way.

But if you're going to talk about the character in English or French, it's more correct to call him 'Tintin'.

Baba O'Riley... the best song in the world


Mine is the correct way because more people in the world spell it Tin Tin. This is a fact.



Because as we all know, majority rules.


The majority also says Tintin is a good movie, so I guess you agree with that too...


in your opinion. for what that's worth.


but he's ALLOWED TO VOICE HIS OPINION, jesus christ.


Agree. There is plenty of excitement in the comics, but Spielberg doesn't deliver that - just non stop noise and movement without any point to it.


The crane scene was appropriate as an exact homage to their ancestors' original fight among the tangle ship masts. As over-the-top as it was, I still thought it was a very original sequence of action that fit the story 100%

¸.•´. •*´¨).•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´no farting allowed


This film was terrible. I could'nt watch until the end.


This thread went way off the rails so I'm not sure it's worth responding. But I'm going to anyway. The pirate battle action was fine within the context of the film. We didn't see the actual battle. We saw a retelling of the battle. Three things were at work on this scene: 1. This was a family story retold and enhanced in every telling. 2. The guy telling it was likely a young boy when he heard it and imagined all kinds of high seas adventure. 3. He retold it in a drunken/De tox/dehydration fever. Of course it was more dramatic than real life.


True. But no point in trying to explain it to people that has already made up their mind.
























