Infantile humor and earnest, fridge-nuking action.
This film tried too hard but achieved very little, except for failure. Oodles of pure failure.
The "humor", for want of a better description, was borishly crass and tediously childish. Even though the film was aimed at kids, the constantly lame fart, burp and slapstick gags did not impress the young audince and induced eye-rolls from the old. Drunken humor? In 2011? Really?
As for the incessant and baseless action, well we can see that Spielberg has now completely dismissed and forgotten the intelligently written action set-pieces he used to brilliantly direct. Now days he just relies on CGI to nuke those fridges, or in the case of this film, crash those cranes. Or crash that plane. Or chase that falcon. Or fight those pirates or.....blah blah blah blah.
So much pointless and needless action. So much suspension of belief. So much CGI nonsense.
Even the fight between The Unicorn and Red Rackham had to be battled during an immense storm, with the pirate vessel flying above, dropping gleeful and eager pirate boarders. Just stupid. A more traditional fight, on calm seas, with normal boarding methods, would have been far more effective. Instead, we are subjected to unbelievable and silly action for action's sake.
And the less said about the truly needless crane fight, idiotic street chase and ridiculous plane crash, the better.
Spielberg? Give it up already. The CGI is killing your credibility.