I've realised what's wrong with modern Hollywood action/adventure films
The action set pieces are just too far-fetched. I know you have to expect a certain degree of far-fetchedness in this genre, but now there's just so much swooping through the air and grabbing onto different things and jumping between collapsing buildings, you know?
I suppose if you were too faithful to the original Tintin books it would be too tame for modern audiences, but I feel they maybe went a bit too far the other way and made it like most other action adventures we get now.
It's like Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull (I'm sure that's not the only example but it's the first one that springs to mind) all that jumping between speeding Jeeps and thumping each other in the face without causing a single bloody nose, there's no real feeling of danger, that one of the heroes could actually fall off and get splattered. Too cartoonish, even for a cartoon.