Tin Tin Rules
I Really Really Enjoyed this Movie. I was put off for a Long Time Watching this because I thought the Animation was a bit too lifelike in the trailers, but I was so wrong. The Animation is some of the Best I've ever seen.
I've read some of Tin Tin's Adventures years ago & was a Fan but not enough to make me Rush to the Cinema to see this. That's why I think I got such a Pleasant Surprise on my Viewing.
The Storyline to the Movie from what I've read is an Amalgamation of 3 Classic Tin Tin stories. It's a Full on Exciting & Thrilling Ride from Start to Finish. With Clever Jokes & One Liners to keep even the Hardcore Fans pleased.
The First & Second Act Breezed by in a Glance, with Puzzles & Quick Thinking on Tin Tin's part making it a Joy to watch, But I did find the Third Act Dragged Out a Little & I put it down to Captain Haddock being so Incompetent it became Annoying.
Don't get me wrong the Action was Top Notch & it Brought me back to Watching Indiana Jones as a child which is clearly what Spielberg was aiming to achieve here. The Whole Team behind this Movie should return for the Sequel which I hear is being Planned for 2015.
Nitpicking aside I would totally recommend Tin Tin to anybody who Loves Action & Adventure with a Good Splash of Comedy thrown in to Keep you Smiling
Richie Burke