Tin Tin Rules

I Really Really Enjoyed this Movie. I was put off for a Long Time Watching this because I thought the Animation was a bit too lifelike in the trailers, but I was so wrong. The Animation is some of the Best I've ever seen.

I've read some of Tin Tin's Adventures years ago & was a Fan but not enough to make me Rush to the Cinema to see this. That's why I think I got such a Pleasant Surprise on my Viewing.

The Storyline to the Movie from what I've read is an Amalgamation of 3 Classic Tin Tin stories. It's a Full on Exciting & Thrilling Ride from Start to Finish. With Clever Jokes & One Liners to keep even the Hardcore Fans pleased.

The First & Second Act Breezed by in a Glance, with Puzzles & Quick Thinking on Tin Tin's part making it a Joy to watch, But I did find the Third Act Dragged Out a Little & I put it down to Captain Haddock being so Incompetent it became Annoying.

Don't get me wrong the Action was Top Notch & it Brought me back to Watching Indiana Jones as a child which is clearly what Spielberg was aiming to achieve here. The Whole Team behind this Movie should return for the Sequel which I hear is being Planned for 2015.

Nitpicking aside I would totally recommend Tin Tin to anybody who Loves Action & Adventure with a Good Splash of Comedy thrown in to Keep you Smiling

Richie Burke


Just saw it and really enjoyed it! Would of seen it at the cinema if I'd known it was going to be so fun, and definitely brought back memories of watching Indi a kid.


My favorite Spielberg film and I love a lot of his stuff of course.


Note that's Tintin. One word which is seemingly very important (I've seen the extras on DVD).
