Wow this movie rocks!
I really like this type of movies, those certain kind of teen movies that reminds you of those 80's sort of movies... (i.e. Charlie Bartlett, Nick n Noras' Infinite playlist - not sure about the title) it's hard to explain lol.
Anyways I was just expecting another movie like those, but to my surprise this movie was kinda good. It has a nice plot twist ish. And Vanessa Hudgens stole the scene at the end despite the mediocre song. That's the only complain I have about the movie. Everything else Rocks!!!
It even made me think about a sequel, a possiblility of a love triangel maybe lol.
Oh and the David Bowie part at the end was kinda lame. I was hoping David Bowie would just post a comment on their site, send him a personal email maybe or visit the bandslam contest but to sign them up... It would be nice if a different music company would be interested about them, but David Bowie personally.
All in all it was a very solid movie. Really nice. I was really hoping it would be kinda similar to that anime/manga beck mongolian chop squad. That's one reason I watch this movie too. LOl.