MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > The Snyder Cut is Much Much Better

The Snyder Cut is Much Much Better

its 2 Hours Longer but its much better the character motivations are better flesh and Steppenwolf is more scary and a threat also Freakin Darkseid makes an appearance has an action scene as well as a presence.


They're both crap.


No Only The Josstice league version IS are you kidding me Zack Snyders is better than Both Infinity War/Endgame


Lol dont be stupid, infinity war and endgame are vastly superior to the snydercut, haha


I don't get why Warner's didnt just release a 2hr 20m version of Synders cut in 2017 (allowing him to finish it anyway) I mean there was no way to turn his take on the DC characters into the 'fun' MCU but they tried to do it anyway , and it cost like maybe another 100m than had they just allowed Synder to finish . just weird. The effort it must've took. Getting Whedon to reshoot scenes with the cast, shooting all new scenes, the CGI 'tache, new CGI sequences/Steppenwolf, changing the tone/look to make it more like Avengers, .. and in the end the Synder version was obviously superior and felt similar tone/look wise to BvS/MoS


Synder version was obviously superior and felt similar tone/look wise to BvS/MoS



Agreed. I'm not a huge fan of the genre but I watched the Snyder cut (not all in one sitting, maybe three or four sessions over a couple of days) and I really enjoyed it.

Then the original came on TV a few months later and I thought, 'hey I liked that I'll give it another watch'. It was so aimless and confusing. I'm glad I saw the Snyder cut first. If I'd seen the original first I wouldn't have bothered with it.
