Still a very enjoyable film
Is it evident it's a Frankenstein film? True.
Seems a lot of good material from the first director was out of the final cut? True.
Soundtrack is soul-less and pretty worse than previous DCEU films? True.
But still, this film has a lot to offer: A lighter tone that plays (a maybe unvoluntary) tribute to the SuperFriends cartoons; A friendly chemistry among the characters in opposite to MArvel's Avengres' passive agresive preuso-antagonism between Marvel's heroes; A Batman who can be a "good attitude" leader without being cheesy as Clooney's and too distant like most of its incarnations; A Superman who can prove he's the hero we need and can relax and smile instead of feeling bad for many reasons at once.
Maybe not the League we deserved. Maybe worse than it was meant. Maybe not the best Justice League we could expect. Maybe not as narratively complex it should have been. Maybe not the success many people expected.
But still, a very nice super-hero watch!