MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Thanksgiving should provide a soft landi...

Thanksgiving should provide a soft landing and a great hold

Really is the best time to have a second weekend. With Saturday's business markedly over Fridays(when Thursday previews aren't included) it appears word of mouth is good and should really blossom over the 4-day lucrative holiday.


there is nothing that suggests Word Of Mouth is Good....

lol JL got a "B+" cinemascore you gigantic idiot....thats the same score as Baywatch,Power Rangers and Fifty Shades Darker....

Cinemascore Is Literally The Audiences that came out of the theater from seeing JL....RT audience scores and IMDB scores, requiring no proof that you've actually seen the movie and fans can vote as many times as they want....

Yiou literally can not keep saying "JL has good Word Of Mouth"....Well you can, but just know that there is not 1 single thing that backs up the statement your making...

The ONLY real way to Judge A films WOM...Is cinemascore...They literally wait outside of theaters nationwide, wait for people to come out of seeing the movie, Then ask them their score and opinion...and I'm sorry but JL got a BAD score.

Based on the one true way of judging A films WOM, JL scored very low....

there is nothing to suggest JL is going to having a good Thankgiving second this point, A 60%+ drop is almost a certainty

JL has had almost unprecedentedly bad Marketing,Production and Lead up, it then Got Awful Reviews, It then got Bad Audience scores, Its now being hit with an avalanche of Negative news reporting its Terrible opening weekend....and you think thats going to lead to a good 2nd weekend?

lol I get it now though ok...this post makes it perfectly clear...Your no longer being serious...your just making these threads now out of spite...

You are trying to "One up" The haters by continues to be Optimistic despite A no win and horrible situation....your thinking what would make The haters more upset, If I just gave up and excepted JL was A disaster or if I continue to say "You just wait, box office is gonna go up when The Matinee numbers come in, no I mean when the Saturday numbers come in, okay but seriously just wait next week, JL will do great"....



also again queenusa....

How old are you?

I'm 31....


JL got an A- from women and A- from all under 25.

Speaking of 60% 'bout that 62% drop on Thor's a third weekend?


that only means that:

a) Women have bad taste and b) never trust under 25's tastes, specially if their women, I guess.

BvS still holds the Guiness Record for worst Drop ever.


I assume you are kidding about "women have bad taste"? Anyway, women and under 25's are the largest drivers in a movies long-term attendance so the fact that gave it an A- is a hopeful sign for the film's legs over this holiday season.


I'm joking because of your use of Women as an indicator.

Women in comic book movies as drivers of attendance? You sure about that?

As far as I know, the largest population that assists CBMs are kids and males. CBM's are the "buddy nights" event


"Women in comic book movies as drivers of attendance? You sure about that? "

For "legs" and long-term success, the two of them combined...definitely, yes!


hmmm.... not sure about that. Women seem to prefer other types of entertainment when it comes to movies.


should hold similar to Fantastic Beasts last year


That's what many in the industry are saying...and that's very good hold.


I doubt we'll see a 62% drop like Thor did this weekend.


Dude you must really really really like DC or something.


Nope...I don't like the DCEU at all(except Wonder Woman). I loved Thor Ragnarok, but it is quite alarming the drop that it suffered this weekend. The LARGEST third weekend drop in MCU history! I'm afraid $300 million domestic is out of grasp now.


It's a Thor movie....I'm amazed it's as popular as it IS.

I mean....Thor.


It doesn't's a great, fun film and should be doing better than this.


The fact that it's going to fall considerably behind the horrible Suicide Squad domestically is very bothersome.


Everybody stopped to watch that train-wreck out of morbid curiosity.

Thor is... Thor. A b lister with 2 horrid solo movies and a 3rd one as a place holder which constantly makes fun of itself [in a good way].

I mean... Thor is a comedy movie... Suicide Squad was a promise of a team action movie that got unfulfilled.

If you really think about it; MCU even has the balls to make fun of their own stuff and brought a guy like Waititi to do it. Waititi... who?


SS had great legs and didn't have anything close to a 62% drop on it'sthird weekend. Third weekends are where WOM really kicks in and TR's is very troubling and the worst in MCU history.


SS is also one of the worst movies in cinema history, despised even by the actors.

Many times, Box Office means nothing. Take as an example all the Transformers, Twilight, Shades movies. They are not good movies, no matter how we see it. Yet they have good box office records.

Are Thor movies good? Doubtful. This 3rd one is pretty goofy and self-conscientiou of its own goofiness. It embraces it instead of pretending to be something serious [like the DCEU movies].

Besides, it's a Thor movie.... a THOR movie... THOR... as in, who dafuk is even THOR?


I agree that SS is awful.


"awful" is an understatement.


It was better than GotG and made more money too.


Nonsense, Queeny! Friday is


Different it doesn't look like Coco is going to set the world on fire, tbh.


Gitesh Pandya‏ @GiteshPandya
3h3 hours ago

UPDATE: #JusticeLeague did worse on SUN than studio expected dropping 31% instead of 27%. Opening wknd ended up at $94M.

Daily breakdown:
FRI $38.5M (incl $13M THU pre-shows)
SAT $32.7M (-15%)
SUN $22.7M (-31%)
WKND $94M, $23k avg

^tweet from box office analyst

LOL hey about that Saturday increase?...

lol not only did JL have a disappointing saturday DECREASE...but It had A DISAPPOINTING Sunday DECREASE

lol lol again this clearly proves Word on Mouth is NOT GOOD...the film is consistently coming in LOWER than expected, there is literally only one reason for that....BAD Word Of MOUTH....

but goodluck hoping for "JL to take off next weekend"....

"Hoping" didnt workout to well for you early Friday when you thought JL would make more than "150 M"

Or Mid day Friday when you thought JL would make "More than Suicide Squad"

Or late Friday when You were sure "JL would come in Over 110 M"

lol or Saturday when you thought "JL would have a BIG Increase leaving us poster NOT PLEASED"

and certainly not Sunday when Final Numbers came in showing JL embarrassingly made under 100

and Hope looks to have abandoned you Monday too, now thats its been revealed JL came in even lower than expected and made 94 instead 96 Million due to a larger than expected Sunday drop.

but hey keep up the HOPE....I know its not fun for you, but I'm having a hell of a time watching you constantly move the goal post everytime "your" wrong and JL fails..

Exhibitor Relations‏ @ERCboxoffice
3h3 hours ago

Just 20 months ago, BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE debuted w/ $166M, and now, JUSTICE LEAGUE opens with $94M. That's a difference of $72M. There's absolutely no way anyone can justify that kind of drop off. Learn from it.

^another tweet from box office analyst....

"There's absolutely no way anyone can justify that kind of drop off.".....take the hint queen.....


PS looking forward to this time next week, when JL has a horrible 2nd weekend and you then make A Post titled....

"BLU RAY sales should provide A Nice Profit for WB"


thats where were gonna be...once JL has awful drops and holds next week and it finally becomes clear to you that the film just isn't going to rebound at the box'll then have no choice but to get truly desperate and start claiming, "JL Will do great on Blu ray and thats how WB will make a profit"

lol This happened on the IMDB boards with BOTH BvS and MOS...

hardcore DC fans did the same thing you are doing....constantly claimed MOS and BvS was doing good at the box until finally they couldn't anymore....then came The "Blu Ray Threads"...talking about how "okay box office wasn't great, but Blu Ray sales will easily make WB a profit"

lol when It was announced that BvS getting an Ultimate Cut...hardcore DC immediately started making threads saying BvS's Blu ray sales would be off the charts and and BvS would be the highest selling Blu Ray of all time thus making BvS a Huge hit

lol in the end BvS's Blu Ray sales were just Normal for a huge bump, no massive increase...

lol so give or take 7 days queen....this time next week, you get to start talking about how great JLs Blu Ray sales will hardcore DC fans truly are all the same....

The one thing I am surprised about though, I can't believe you have made any threads, claiming "Marvel paid Critics to Hate JL"....of course your going hard with the "Fans love JL screw critics" battle cry that all Hardcore fans did with MOS and BvS....but you didn't stoop to "Disney Paid Critics to hate JL" like all hardcore fans did with MOS and BvS....Is it possible that deep down you've excepted JL is awful and just can't bring yourself to make something so absurd?


You keep avoiding my question to YOU...with your insistence that JL will have a horrible "drop" next weekend, which is Thanksgiving btw(good luck with that prediction)

which is...

How 'bout that largest third weekend drop in MCU HISTORY for TR?

Worse than Thor 2, Doctor Strange and..
gasp...Incredible Hulk.

Domestically it will make much less than SUICIDE SQUAD. Looks like it won't get near 300 million domestically.


Do you think we'll see a 62% drop next weekend for JL like TR had on it's THIRD weekend(ouch!)?


TR didn't lose ONE SCREEN in the whole country and STILL dropped 62%!


Even with that drop, though, are these the worst results to have:

There doesn't need to be a Thor 4. They're done with the trilogy. And the first two Thor movies weren't even that good. For a "Part 3" to still be made after such a weak start, having $740 million worldwide in three weeks shows me Marvel knows how to fix their mistakes. They could've kept that awful director from Thor 2 (who also did Terminator Genisys), or kept Kenneth Branagh, but they sought out new talent and found an indie director and took a chance on him.

That's what I'd like to see DCEU do more of, instead of sticking with Snyder as if he's the only choice out there.

Justice League needs a JL 2 and possibly JL 3, but we're not even sure if this DCEU will stay intact after these results. Justice League movie should be crossing $1 billion with ease, but it won't make it - not without the help of the domestic market.


I was going to bring up the Coco and the Dickens movies coming out and Gary Oldman playing Churchill....AND the good word of mouth that The Wonder is getting ...there's no assurance of ANYTHING. But, then I see that all the OP wants to do is play "whataboutism" by talking about Thor 3 (because the third movie about Thor is comparable to what should have been DC's Avengers) to make himself feel better about what a plop JL has made....well, common sense will be wasted on the fanboy.


You could be right. As a comic book fan (Marvel and DC), I can only hope that box office redemption is ahead. Forgive me though, if I'm skeptical. I think that WB doesn't understand DC or the DC universe. They certainly seem to fail continually in the story telling part of these movies. Doesn't matter what star power you have if the plot of your story is disjointed, messy or plain bad. Better stories = better movies. So simple.
