Fantastic film but....

did anyone else get the "Warhammer Online" vibe?
Warhammer Online is an MMORPG game and it is Solomon Kane to the spot if you play as a witch-hunter!
I am not advertising the game but is anyone else seeing it? =)


That's because the original Solomon Kane was one of the primary inspirations for the witch hunter of Warhammer. The character first appeared in 1928, after all.


Well Warhammer has existed since the early 80's so I didn't specifically think of Warhammer Online, but yeah he reminded me of witch hunters. Another movie I saw recently called Pathfinder had Vikings who looked like Chaos warriors.


Pathfinder was horrible!!

Chun Li's ASS!!! --->


yeaah , Pathfinder wasn't a great film, i only watched it cause i thought the vikings looked like Chaos ^^


First of all Pathfinder was a decent film with some very good action.
second Solomon Kane was amazing and deserves a second watch....
If you like these movies your fans of Azumi, Aragami the Restless sword and if you havent seen them
then go rent em or buy them cause they all kick A@S!
