MovieChat Forums > City of Ember (2008) Discussion > Why would they have money?

Why would they have money?

Ok, I posted this in another thread but it's really bugging me now so I giving this topic it's own thread. I really don't see any reason why the builders would have installed a monetary system. I thought maybe it was just something the movie makers added but I have since read the first two books of this series and they had money in the book too.

It just doesn't make sense for them to have money and I think the builders would have been smart enough to realize this. With money, you inevitably end up with haves and have-nots. This would ultimately lead to a division of the society. I can't imagine the builders would have risked that.

My rhymes are so potent that in this small segment I made all of the ladies on IMDb pregnant.


People are going to end up being haves and have nots without money anyway. How do you think money was invented? It's human nature to work for reward. The no money system will never work, same reason why communism never worked. Without money, how do you organize the concept of Trade? If Trade doesn't exist, what's left is Take Or Be Taken From. People will destroy one another over survival without the organization of a monetary system.



It is human nature to be selfish. But it goes deeper than that. People want reward for the work they put in. It's just the way we're wired. Would you love someone in a relationship, care for them and work on the relationship without any return on their part? No. Same idea with work in any other category. If I plant crops and harvest them. I can't just give them to you. And if I do give them to you, how much should I give? as much as you need? Well, you can then say any arbitrary number and I can run out real fast. And to how many people? An arbitrary number again? What about me? I need to eat too. So you say, let's trade: 5 chicken for 5 ears of your corn. Well, but chickens are hard to raise, they take time, they're hard to come by, and one chicken sure as heck provides more energy than one single ear of corn so how do we figure out many ears = one chicken? Also, what if I'm low on chicken? Or you're low on corn? But we need chairs? Maybe it's a better more practical idea to trade with something that is readily available, so let's substitute the chicken with something else, say, pebbles and put a value on it. Well then we're right back where we started.

So, you see? a no money system can ONLY work if people are by some miracle no longer selfish AND the earth by another miracle can provide us with an UNLIMITED RESOURCE. Otherwise money is only logical.


People are going to end up being haves and have nots without money anyway. How do you think money was invented? It's human nature to work for reward. The no money system will never work, same reason why communism never worked. Without money, how do you organize the concept of Trade? If Trade doesn't exist, what's left is Take Or Be Taken From. People will destroy one another over survival without the organization of a monetary system.

There shouldn't be haves and have-nots under the structure they designed. They got their jobs by random selection. Any service they provided or products they produced were for the benefit of the entire city. Do you think that Clary got to decide what happened with the food just because she was lucky enough the get drawn to run the greenhouse? If that was true, she would easily be the wealthiest citizen of Ember. They had a Store Room and Store Room Clerks for a reason. Every item produced was to be given to the Store Room and then rationed out. When the guards knocked over all those vegetable plants, Clary doesn't say "that's my food!" She says something like, "that's our food, all of our food!"

It was a very small population. Almost like a family unit. When the builders sent the first people down into Ember, they couldn't have anticipated that the population would ever grow much beyond 200 people. They worked because that's what they knew they were supposed to do. Their reward was knowing that their work was important to the survival of their "family". I don't think Native Americans traded amongst their own tribes. They traded with other tribes and European settlers but they took care of their own just because they were supposed to.

The only realistic reason for the Builders to install a monetary system would be because it might give the Emberites a head-start on setting up a new society when they left Ember. However, if I were a builder, I would have let things take their own course.

My rhymes are so potent that in this small segment I made all of the ladies on IMDb pregnant.


More importantly why they thought having a mayor of the city with a secret box is a good idea. Not only it produces haves and have nots, but it also diminished the chances of success.
If I was building an underground city to preserve humankind, I would make sure that every citizen knew why they are there by heart.
