MovieChat Forums > City of Ember (2008) Discussion > Good movie but a question

Good movie but a question

Didn't someone stop and think to wonder where the insect(s) were coming from. Also wouldn't rain fall into the crack to have someone notice water coming down, maybe even the sun making a glow in the so called "sky"?


I noticed those things, but thought it might be the case that the dome was pretty much solid. You would think that things would fall into the dome through the years.


or why did they shrink? what's the explanation for that?


I don't think they shrinked but the animals got bigger. As we see them in the room where the scientists were, they're proportional to the doors and chairs. Maybe the animals got big because of something to do with the disaster.


The animals probably got larger because they were able to live in an ecosystem free from man. Natural resources were more readily available and the animals didn't have to deal with the side effects of living with man: death, urban sprawl, pollution, hunting, food, etc.


Animals don't get LARGER when they get more food or less natural predators...they just get more PLENTIFUL.

Plus, I doubt that man did much to hinder the moth- and beetle-spread to begin with, if we disappeared, the planet would not even notice.



As for the hole they look down into and see Ember...think of an airplane when you see it fly through the sky, you only see a tiny speck. Now, imagine if that airplane was smaller than a car, like the hole. You wouldn't be able to even perceive it from that height.

The small amount of rain that may fall through the hole is probably negligible and probably barely noticeable considering everything else the people in Ember have to worry food shortages, power outages, etc. The small amount of rain may be more like a fine mist by the time it reaches the city anyway.

Anything else that falls through the hole is probably not even noticed or probably just ignored.

If the hole was larger, like the size of a football field, it would be easily noticed, but it looked to be smaller than an average car.

I hope this helps.

I just watched this movie last night with my husband and we really enjoyed it.


That's right..also when they were trekking the river, it seemed like they were going deeper underground and then they reached this really long stairway up but still it doesn't look so tall that it would reach the surface. Confusing..


Well in the book the stairway was much longer and took them more than a day to climb but they obviously shortened it for the movie.

Also the disaster was a nuclear war of some sort. This explains why the insects were so large. The radiation verywell might change their DNA in a way that would make them be that large.

And also, as far as the hole, there were lights above the city all over, this would block out any light from above.



I really liked the movie. Ya the hole in the ground was way small so no one would see it. all the lights in the way so you could not see the hole.

Also every movie has different thing then the book, just like the movie is 1 hour and 30 minutes long. it would be crazy having it a few days for them to go up a stairs.

But vary good movie.


agree about the radiation causing mutations in animals. but daylight is much much stronger than any incandescent bulbs -- just picture turning on a light during daytime with windows open. they only appear bright after human eyes adjust to the dark surroundings. i think the city residents could've easily spotted the sky on a sunny day. if the city is in some parts of the world (between tropics of cancer and capricorn), sunlight would actually directly shine into the city as the sun is directly overhead during june and december solstice.


Was the disaster ever actually gone over in the movie? I admit, I only had it on peripherally... but I don't think they ever said more than 'the disaster happened', and mankind died out...?


Well, no-one mentioned the huge mole rampaging through the store house either!!
I guess if they included that in the plot, you would be thinking:
"Running out of food! That mole over there would last weeks!!!"


I was thinking the same thing. One of those moles must've had at least a ton of meat on it. Start breeding those suckers for beef and they got it made.

As for the hole, it looks like it just recently opened up, the cavern ceiling would erode away from the bottom up until eventually the hole opened. Unless they were on the equator, the sun would never shine directly down the hole.

........the idiotic cock-eyed flum-dummery!


Glad I'm not the only one who thought about eating the moles. The hole was pretty small. When they looked down it the city was little more than a speck. And that hole was a lot smaller than the city. So even if the sun were directly above it it, from the city, it probably wouldn't look much different than a star in the night sky to us. And if that "single star" were blocked by the huge lamp system, no one would ever see it. As far as the insects, even mutated by radiation it would be difficult for them to reach that size. Insects are small because their exoskeletons are heavy. Their muscular system would have difficulty lifting their bodies at that size.

My band


I don't think they considered eating the mole because I suspect they were never introduced to the idea of eating meat. Certainly not meat that they killed and butchered themselves. It seems that their diet consisted of potatoes and canned goods.

If I had any problems with the movie, it would be the fact that they had a monetary system. I can't imagine the builders would have installed a monetary system into the type of society they created. The jobs were assigned and limited in number. I got the impression that food was basically just rationed and divided. The whole city sort of just worked together. Introducing money opens up the possibility of classes. And when you have classes, you have the potential for slavery, wars and so many other things that could destroy that society before the 200 years was up.

My rhymes are so potent that in this small segment I made all of the ladies on IMDb pregnant.


I doubt any of them bothered to look up, except during the blackouts, but those only lasted for a few seconds at most (From memory?)

Also, when looking up, you'd be blinded by the massive lights above the city.

Assuming the power is out for a few minutes each week, I'd imagine people would be terrified of falling over, or bumping into things, so probably wouldn't look up.


This is 2 reason's theirs not going to be a sequel(there's 3 more books). They were insects, but they were the regular size, also the ''mole'' was added. When the guy wondered in too the Unknown Regions, he wasn't supposed to have brought stuff back and also, he got up and did the whole ''It's the end of the world'' type thing infront of the Mayor's building and said that their were rats as big as a trash can though there wasn't. The second question you have was unbelievable how they messed it up, it was supposed t be a cave so any rain water wouldn't have gone over the city, there was a far out ledge made of rock that they walked out on when they released the note, so the city wasn't right under the cave opening, if any of you have taken Geometry you well understand this. I think the it was a similar setup to a circle with a tangent line, the cave entrance/Doon and Lina looking down was the line and the circle was the city.

Half-Blood Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam and Gryffindor 7th year
