I happen to live down the street from gils mother in law and work on her house from time to time and in fact met gil the day of the premire of city of ember at her house while working on it. i was told by him that the production company went bankrupt after they finished shooting .... which didnt leave any funds for marketing and also gave the film a limited release of like 2000 theaters..... had the company stay running, it would have been a big release
if i was a filmmaker and my movie tanked, i would make up a lot of excuses too. not saying it isn't a legitmate excuse, but still...i'm sure he was quite bitter. cheers KZ
This film got no marketing. I was waiting for it, and never even knew it had come out in theaters. A real shame since it's really a fine family film. Wished they made more like it.
Well, I should probably point out that Walden Media also did Narnia 1 & 2, and now disney fluked on the 3rd one, so maybe it's because they're GOING bankrupt, not because they ARE bankrupt already.
Just a thought, don't gang up on me. I don't usually come on these boards, I prefer Twilight and New Moon's.
Miss Scarlett, in the pantry, with the radio. -Walter, Sleepless in Seattle
Which production company went bankrupt? I looked up the companines that were part of this film and found no mention in any news organization that they went bankrupt. That would have been news had they done so.
That is the problem with what you saying. As much as you know what you heard, it isn't backed up by anything else. A bankrupcy of a movie studio would have made news.
well he didnt tell me in detail what company and such........ i only taked to Gill for like 15 minutes ....... and brought up at the end ... wondering y his movie didnt get the hype that monster house did.... and keep in mind that this was the a few hours before he went to the premire...... All he said about that was that his production company was having money issues at the time he finished filming and they didnt have the money to make it a wide release and advertise .. he said it will only be released in about 2000 theaters and i think he new that it wasnt gona be huge like monster house .... but thats what he said.... i didnt think to ask him more info about the production company.........
i believe what the op is saying. i never once heard of this movie when it came out, and even now i only found out about it because of random movie searching.
I live in canada and im pretty sure they didnt even release it in theatres. Maybe a few downtown or something (in toronto) but not wide-spread and definitely not advertised.
Its obvious that this movie really was forgotten about and not heavily advertised after completion. I dunno if you guys lived in areas that they did advertise in, but we get a lot of ads for every movie that comes out, and this one was completely left out.
Advertising for this movie was severly lacking. I didn't even know about it until I saw the DVS's at Wal-mart. I mentioned it to a friend of mine and he'd never heard of it either. If people don't hear about a movie-- they won't go to it of course!
August 15, 2011. 3 years after the release date. I just heard about this movie yesterday when I saw it on the drop list when I was searching IMDB for 'The City of Lost Children'
I would have loved to have known about this from the get-go, but alas, it didn't get any word out.
Just finished watching the movie on a local TV channel (in Greece). I didn't know the movie even existed 'till I saw the channel's trailer last Thursday. Imagine my surprise when I came to imdb and saw it is a 2008 movie (I thought it was some classic movie from the 80s and that's why i had never heard it before). I don't remember any promotion of the movie whatsoever back in 2008! I agree with the guys above, the company did practically no promotion of the film.
___________________________ Uwe Boll: Number ONE filmmaker, all Khazakhstan!
I remember it got quite a bit of advertising here in the Uk, it looked pretty interesting to me although I only just watched it when it was on TV today. I enjoyed it, shame it did not do better.
The lute is the coolest of all medieval stringed instruments.