I liked it!

Okay, major gripes with the gaps of logic in the third half let alone the awful CGI that followed it, but overall I really enjoyed this film. Pure escapism and when compared to the more advertised children films out there this is a gem. No damn glitter crap, no damn magical technicolored stone, and no damn dragons (and I like dragons). It's all about grim survival and what people have to do when their backs are against the walls. It's dark, humorous at times, solid acting, and the first 2/3 of the movie had beautiful sets with quirky characters. The City of Ember was the main characters playground to explore and wreak havoc and they did it wonderfully. No need for guns. Just follow the little white rabbit, if you know what I mean. ; )

If only this had a better third half and $20MILL for advertising I think it would've fared better at the BO which of course meant more recognition for all those involved.

"City of Ember" - 7/10


I liked it too...just say'n...it was on TV tonight...


I liked it too!


I saw this film, or small bits of it, in of all places a bar. The TV was on mute, but the subtitles were on. I asked what it was.

Obviously I recognised Bill Murray and Saoirse Ronan. Is it actually any good? I mean a children's film that adults would enjoy? Having seen hardly any of it, and never having heard of it until before yesterday, I didn't get much out of it.

It's not "Sci-Fi", it's SF!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


I liked it too...this is a hidden gem of a movie, great for fans of post-apocalyptic movies.
