just watched it for the 1st time..
.. and what the *beep*?!
i'm usually all for films like this, was really expecting to really like it.
but the ending was just too implausible, even for a fantasy flick with adequate potential potential
WHY was the exit/egress/escape from Ember made so damn difficult and potentially fatal? no way would they have made it in one piece in that silly boat going through all those cave tunnels!
and how did the people get into the city in the first place then, if they needed to go UP waterfalls etc
also, 3-4 generations of people living underground and not one with any sign of no exposure to sunlight (dull/faded skin, health issues), some even had moderate tans (don't tell me they had sunbeds in Ember -.-)
and lastly, they managed to make Harry friggin Treadaway look unattractive- HOW?