Matt Damon
I was never a big fan of Damon. But I could've seen him as Dicky for one simple reason. I can see him as Mark Wahlberg's brother. I don't know what it is. But I can picture them in a movie as brothers. I'm not saying Christian Bale was a bad choice. He was great. I'm just saying that if Bale wasn't picked I think Matt Damon or even Brad Pitt would've been fine. I think they could've pulled it off. Pitt was nominated for Moneyball. I thought he was good in that. Great? No, but he was good. Imagine if he did The Fighter. The role of Dicky Eklund would've given him so much more to do. I wonder if Brad Pitt or Matt Damon regret not playing Dicky Eklund. Anyone know?