MovieChat Forums > The Fighter (2010) Discussion > Amy Adam's performance

Amy Adam's performance

One of my favorite things about The Fghter is Amy Adam's character as Charlene. I love her character.

What I love is that she made a good girlfriend to Micky. When he needed her, she was there. He was shy about calling her after losing a fight, because he was afraid of being a disappointment.

And I love how she acted around the sisters. The sisters were being so cruel. They thought she was this slutty woman (which they referred to as an MTV girl) and I hated how they were talking about her. And blaming Micky's falling career on her. She had nothing to do with how his career was working.

She really deserved to win the Oscar. I like Melissa Leo's character, but morally, I would have given Amy Adams the Oscar. She made Charlene to be determined and strong-willed. She wouldn't let anyone take her down or hurt Micky. She was there for him, she protected him, and stood up for herself all the time. I was glad to see that Micky and Charlene got married (right before the end credits in a "where are they now" kind of thing.)

Amy Adams should've won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar that year.

"What happened to my sweet girl?"


Both she and Melissa Leo were great in this movie, very believable. I think Melissa won the Oscar because she had a bigger part in general.


If her part was bigger, why was Amy Adams credited above her and have her name on the poster?

"What happened to my sweet girl?"


Amy Adams has a more recognizable name than Melissa Leo.


I loved her too! A couple of the best scenes involved her front porch. First, when she threatens to "rip that nasty hair right off your beeping head" or whatever it was; then later when the Bale character buzzes her and she unleashes a torrent of profanity that we only hear intermittently because he keeps interrupting with his buzzing. Great stuff.

See a list of my favourite films here:



That scene on the porch with Bale was simply excellent. When Bale tells her "What makes you so great that you're always putting me down?" and she's basically like "Yeah, you're right, I'm not that great." A top notch scene.

Amy Adams has impressed me lately. I just saw her in the very good DOUBT, and the crappy THE MASTER and she was great in those too.



Amy Adams is a fine actress, and this is one of her grittier roles. I can't say I loved this film, but her performance was the highlight, and her confrontation with Melissa Leo's character was tense and believable.


her performance? Good! oscar? Hell no!


Couldn't disagree more. Adams is an overrated bland monotone sounding actress. And still can't see what people see in her. Now, Melissa Leo,, that woman can ACT!!!


In every single other movie she's ever made in her entire life (well, except American Hustle), I would absolutely completely agree with you. She is bland, one-note, never anything special in any of her roles.

But here, she really shines. I was shocked at how good she was, because in all her movies before this, she's like a cute sweet Disney princess in all of her roles. She was amazing here.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
