How different would this movie be if Aronofsky did make it?
Originally Darren Aronofsky was set to make this movie but he dropped out. The only people who can really post about this are people who have seen his other movies, like Pi, Requiem or the Fountain. I'm not even sure why he would want to make this movie. It doesn't seem like his usual type, the ones where they focus on ones mental abilities. I mean, Requiem and the Fighter are both about drugs, but I think if he were to produce this movie, then it would be more about Dicky and what happened to him, than about Micky. And what camera shots would we see repeatily? In Requiem there was the herion scenes, and in this would it be Dicky doing drugs? I just think that the movie would have a way different feel if Aronofsky were to make it. I'm not sure which I would like more, his version of the story, or the actual filmed version.