Clive's earlobe

In the Guggenheim scene, clive's earlobe gets shot, then later in the movie it seems to have regrown. Weird!


Ah, the miracle of reshoots... The film previewed badly and Columbia did reshoots to turn it into more of an action picture. Presumably that scene was one of the reshoots.

"Security - release the badgers."


The movie should have took all the boring espionage bull and just make it one big badass buddy comedy movie where Interpol Agent Salinger and whacky-slick, balding hitman Marcus Tamarus fight the international, ending with an exciting chase scene in italy where the two chase down the parkour-savvy, main badguy of the international bank, then they go to Niberia and fix the economy and bring democracy to all of Africa.

Then world peace happens somewhere at the end but then it turns out the hitguy is actually just a double agent and they're forced to have a kung fu showdown on the Eiffle tower and then they fight Jason Bourne and the big tweest is that they're all the same guy!
