MovieChat Forums > The International (2009) Discussion > Never take your bulletproof vest off in ...

Never take your bulletproof vest off in the middle of a firefight

Yeesh, how often does this happen in films? 'Help me get this off, I can't breathe!' Kevlar vests don't work that way. Being shot while wearing one will hurt like hell, and may bruise you/crack ribs even, but taking the vest off isn't going to help, and it's generally unadvisable to do so *when the bad guys are still shooting at you*.



"...taking the vest off isn't going to help, and it's generally unadvisable to do so *when the bad guys are still shooting at you*."

That's one reason why this movie SUCKED big time IMHO!



It's so silly, and totally unneeded. Just have him be shot in the throat and bleed to death that way. Or the leg. But no... he has to be shot in the chest, so we'll abrogate common sense to achieve that.

Stop right wing hate! Support a return of the fairness doctrine:


In know right!


When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Also, I'm curious about why he was wearing a vest in the first place. He didn't check his messages and make arrangements for the meeting until after he went out. Are we to assume that he wears a bullet proof vest every time he leaves his house?
(I'm not saying this isn't possible. I probably would if I were him.)


SPOILER - Thank YOU! I didn't get that either. It didn't seem to even further the story any. If he's going to die without divulging anything, then why not let him keep the vest on and have one of the assassins shoot him in the head.

My only guess is that the director had to let you know how he survived the first few shots. The only way to show the vest was to invent a reason for pulling it off.

"Hot sun, cool breeze, white horse on the sea, and a big shot of vitamin B in me!"


u guys are *beep* idiots, when u have a vest on ur body movement is limited, also it doesnt stop every bullet- after he got hit with those 2-3 rounds- the vest is useless and will affect his movement to survive....


Oh. Okay. I didn't know that. Thanks.

"Hot sun, cool breeze, white horse on the sea, and a big shot of vitamin B in me!"
