The film just... ended

I enjoyed the film a lot, the cinematography, music, performances, story, possibly everything. But the one thing the bothered me the most was the ending. Not what the ending was, but the way it stopped and let the credits explain what happened afterwards. It didn't feel like proper story-telling. How else felt that way after the film ended?

I remember people by their signature, not their profile name.


I agree totally, The film just ended in an abrupt, albeit in a realistic way.

I'm quite sad that this movie didn't make any profit. According to the IMDB it lost half of it's production money, let alone make any. (50M to make, and its gross was only 25M)

I'm guessing the director wanted the audience to be left in an anticlimactic way just that it would had it been a real situation. The movie's motto was no matter how hard you try, you cannot beat the system. And that's precisely what happened, ending credits rolled, newspaper headlines were shown, and life went on, the perpetrators having been replaced to keep the system going.

I believe in this way the movie succeeded to achieve this kind of feeling.
