MovieChat Forums > The International (2009) Discussion > A movie that tells the truth? The end mu...

A movie that tells the truth? The end must be near..

It's pretty amazing an experience to actually see, after all these decades, a movie that tells the TRUTH.

An entertainment piece, a typical modern movie - and yet it tells the truth about money, banks, debt and how there isn't real justice in the legal system, and how the whole system, from corporations to governments, is thoroughly corrupt!

I was almost waiting for them to mention the "person" / "strawman", and how almost all humans have been duped since birth to believe they ARE a person, when the truth is that "person" is just a legal fiction, a dead entity.

Well, of course they didn't go THAT far, but it was still pretty amazing to see a mainstream movie actually tell the truth about banking, debt and 'the system' and its corruption.

Though the movie makes some kind of a distinction between private banks and 'the other kind'.. when the truth is, there IS no 'other kind'. There are ONLY private banks in existence.

** SPOILERS ** but it's still your own fault and responsibility, if you are dumb enough to READ THIS before watching the movie!

Too bad the movie is slow, plodding, ridiculous (the guy they are looking for appears IMMEDIATELY when they start wondering about him - yeah, right! Like that would EVER happen in real life!), and typically modernized. There is INJECTED ROMANCE, once again (groan), but thankfully, it's kept to a minimum. The useless hag is, as usual for modern movies, given way too much screen time and opportunities to nag. Stop letting women nag in movies, damnit!

The misandry-factor is also surprisingly small with this movie - there is the part where the man AUTOMATICALLY helps the (STRONG AND INDEPENDENT MODERN CAREER-)woman down by holding her hand. But no one held his hand, and he got there just fine - why should the woman need or deserve any special or preferential treatment? That's not equality!

But still, besides that (I have to admit, I fast forwarded some of the more boring bits, like the badly told SMS-bit - you don't tell a story by showing a SMS-message exchange, that's BORING to the viewer! Didn't anyone have enough common sense to realize that? Is this a commercial for cell phones or a conspiracy movie? I also fast forwarded whenever the typically ugly hag started preaching, nagging, or verbal vomiting her imagined excellence - in movies, women are so capable and competent, which sickens me, because they sure aren't like that in real life. Also, there's no way and no reason such a young and thin woman would be sacrificing her life, imago, status and career just to get to the truth - women don't care about truth! They even lie to themselves all the time, why would this woman rather walk around on rooftops theorisizing about assasinations like no woman ever has (and probably never will, at least in real life), when she could be shopping for shoes, visiting the alpha-cóck-carousel, teasing and insulting innocent men in night clubs or praising herself on her blog? Or planning her future family with some poor chap she's managed to mesmerize into giving her a big diamond and ring to make her girlfriends jealous, etc.?

What young woman with sexual power would ever DO that? It's not even plausible, it's completely unrealistic. Moviemakers need to stop showing women so unrealistically, and they need to stop letting women nag and yell at men so much in movies, without the men ever saying much back.

Her character didn't add anything useful or interesting to the plot, and she wasn't even eye candy.), the only other misandristic thing that struck me was when the protagonist grabbed someone who bumped into him, and almost strangled him, but when he find out it was a WOMAN, he suddenly started apologizing. WHAT? A woman isn't capable of being evil in any movie? A woman isn't capable of being a hitman (well, technically, she can't be - she could only be a hitWOMAN)?

I mean, that's just another way to indoctrinate the audiences to believe that women are good, men are bad, and women can do no wrong.. this message is hammered into our heads over and over again - and I am really getting sick of it.

Still, it could have been much worse.

But the biggest fault of this movie is that although the plot is generally interesting and relatively unique, and while there are some intense moments, it just doesn't work as a movie, and it fails to hold up the seemingly high standard of moviemaking it seems to follow in the beginning. It falls prey to the usual clichés of UNBELIEVABLE coincidences, REALLY IDIOTIC, UNNECESSARILY PROLONGED, UNNECESSARILY BLOODY/GRAPHIC SHOOT-OUTS... that just go on and on and on!

That's not realistic whatsoever - no bank would ever hire a bunch of goons with friggin' UZIs (or whatever machine guns they supposedly used) and tell them to start blasting a museum apart in the daytime, in the clear daylight! Where was the police, where was the security, how the heck did they just smuggle those guns inside, etc.?

And since they really BUMPED into the 'assassin' by 'amazing coincidence' (which made me groan), how could the bank (or whoever it was) KNOW to terminate the 'assassin', and dispatch a group of clumsy, goofy assassins with Uzis (what happened to sniper rifles all of the sudden?) to kill him?

I hate to say it, because it's sort of a breath of fresh air to have a movie that tells the truth about pretty much anything these days, especially having BANKS and the SYSTEM as the bad guy (this is surprisingly rare - a 'conspiracy' movie usually means someone tries to kill the president or something lame like that, but here we are actually shown the TRUE evil guys (banks and the system and the powerful people who own it all) as the villains).

But the movie just isn't very good, it doesn't work, it has so many implausibilities and some plot holes, and too many amazing coincidences, and that RIDICULOUS uzi-shooting scene. Too bad, because it could have been the greatest conspiracy movie ever created! Too bad.



Hah hah, you're a riot. And the thing you thought was the best part about the movie (evil bankers being the bad guys) was in fact the worst and least credible.


This is a very strange comment - it goes well and reasonable for a while, then BAM plunges into misogynistic lunacy. Schizo much?

there's a highway that is curling up like smoke above her shoulder


My thoughts.... Exactly.


I have a few responses.

The first is, "Dick Masterson? Is that you?"

The second is this: The woman on the rooftop was probably wearing heels, so it was only reasonable to help her down.
Apparently, women need to wear skirts and heels in the office, whereas men wear suits and dress shoes, which are infinitely more versatile.

Finally, I'm wondering if you're being sarcastic when you say that coincidences NEVER happen, EVER in real life.
There were probably plenty of ways they could have found the assassin, but the creators perhaps thought that this particular happenstance would be entertaining; a sentiment with which I absolutely agree. I certainly enjoyed that scene!
