Does this movie reflect how the banking elite operate in real life?
With all the intellectuals in the conspiracy movement (David Icke, Alex Jones, Michael Tsarion, etc.) and hundreds of informative factually based YouTube videos out there claiming that a banking elite and new world order control the world behind the scenes, financing pseudo-wars and spreading lies and propaganda, does that mean this movie is an accurate depiction of how things work in the real world?
After all I heard it was a proven fact and admitted fact that the Gulf of Tonkin event used to start the Vietnam War was a staged hoax by the US government, which led to the deaths of 58,000 Americans and 3 million Vietnamese.
Since when has truth become a taboo in America?
Is it true that the banking elite are behind all this? Are they at the top of the pyramid of the NWO?
And now the FBI admit that they have no evidence linking Osama Bin Laden to 9/11 and at least 7 of the 19 9/11 hijackers have been found to be alive. Yet the frickin mainstream media do not dare cover this. Go figure.
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