Victoria's mother was neither shrewd nor protective, why should she be? She was only the King's sister, not meant to rule and she had no power beyond making sure her daughter, the King's niece was delivered to a good marriage intact.
No, she's the sister-
in-law of William IV. She is the sister of King Leopold of Belgium, and also the sister of Albert's father-- Albert and Victoria were first cousins-- but all of this leaves Victoria's mother even more powerless than if she were British royalty by birth.
As for the question of just how "physical" Conroy got with the young Victoria before William died, well, I wondered about that too, but I can only say, it's plausible that it was severe as shown in this movie. Anything brutal enough to leave bruises might have landed him in jail, I suppose, but I don't imagine we'll ever have any way of knowing. It's one of those things that all parties concerned, including Victoria herself, would have been too embarrassed, or ashamed, to speak or write about.
"I don't deduce, I observe."