MovieChat Forums > Benidorm (2007) Discussion > Nope. They've lost it.

Nope. They've lost it.

Series one and two were both genuinely funny. The last series however has just lost it. They are trying too hard and now it is just gratuitious smut and rude jokes that dont work. False willies, same old crude gags. Hilarious. Not.

I tried so hard to like this, and laugh, but could not do either.

Sorry really should have stopped at the Special.


I agree. What I loved about the first few series was the simplicity of it all. They spent most of their time in the hotel around the pool area, which is realistic of how many working class familys spend their time when they go abroad on holiday. In the last series they've started sending the characters all over the place. Donald and Jacqueline venture into the old town several times, yet in the first series they say they dont bring money on holiday with them as it's all inclusive. Very dissapointing overall and to be honest I think it's best they don't continue with a fourth series.


The third series wasn't as funny, the jokes were more childish than anything.


Totally agree !

The first 2 series are very good

The 3rd series was bad but the xmas special this year, was so bad I had to turn it off !!

It's a real shame

Joey, have you ever been in a... in a Turkish prison? --------


I completely disagree!

Yes the 3rd series was not as good as the 1st and 2nd

But they redeemed themselves on the Xmas special

I thought that was one of the most tocuhing episodes of TV i've ever seen

They handled the off-screen death of Geoffrey Huthcings extremely well and even managed to produce a tear out of me each time I seen it



Yeah the death was dealt with well but the fact is it's a comedy and the xmas special wasn't funny.


Yes but I think the reason the Xmas special was not as funny as you'd expect from the show is because the main focus was on how the death of the character would be dealt with and that's also what our focus was on.


Series disaster.Put it out of it's misery please.


It seems to have jumped the shark at this rate.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".
