I notice that Syfy airs the Moonlight reruns quite a bit. That makes me think that it must bring in good ratings for them to rerun it so much. You think they would consider making some Moonlight movies.
I still miss the show so much and would love to see it live on in movies. Do you guys think there's any chance we'll ever see a Moonlight movie come to pass?
None of the other principal actors (besides Alex) have anything steady going on (at least according to IMDB), so if Hawaii 5-O tanks (which all indications say it will), perhaps they'll reboot the series. I'd much rather have the series back than movies.
But that's probably not going to happen :( I think Moonlight has a much better story than the Twilight series though. And I like the characters way more, too.
Such a pity it only had a couple of episodes. They could have done so much with the series. <3
Do you guys think there's any chance we'll ever see a Moonlight movie come to pass?
Oh yeah, I think we'll be entertained by "something" from the ML group again, but it's going to take a while to come to fruitiion.
Because I joined "the club" so recently, I couldn't participate in any of its "bring Moonlight back" campaigns, mounted both nationally and internationally, in the months and first few years following the show's demise. So I went through a sort of mourning period, that was, as it turned out, ineffectual and, unfortunately, not entirely private. Then I wised up; I did some research, followed a lot of threads, asked a few pertinent questions, and paid attention...not only to their answers, but to who answered those questions. Now, imho, I do believe no one has seen the last of Lance, Coraline, Josef, Beth, or Mick St. John. __________________
"Spooning is nice, but forking is better" --Connor Meade, 2009 reply share
Good to see that I'm not the only one who still grieves the end of the show. I really, really miss watching and enjoying on Friday nights. I can't stand Twilight, and Vampire Diaries is a distant second. Alex and Sophia had such chemistry, and were just so darn watchable. I hate to say this, but I really hope Hawaii 5-0 tanks, and someone comes up with some kind of script. =(
I am so glad to see how many of us are hoping and wishing for Moonlight's return. On some websites we are made fun of and called rabid. I say we are a bunch of everyday people that fell in love with a show. It grabbed hold of our hearts and won't let go. I have been reading so many reviews about Hawaii Five-0 clips. No one expects it to last. They make fun of Alex. It is so sad. They hate the music, cast and idea. Hopefully we will go full circle and someone will realize how much we love and miss this show and bottom line--how much money they can make. Let's keep the faith. To quote the movie "Galaxy Quest" "Never give up, never surrender".
Yes. Those that are calling fans that want more Moonlight rabid and "crazies" are the same ones squeeing and fainting over pictures of Alex. I mean it's like calling the kettle black. Who is crazier? Get a clue. Alex isn't going to sleep with you!