Ice in 'Fever'
The ice that's in the bathtub with Mick looks really un-ice like. It's very white and resembles Styrofoam in some shots.
Anyone else notice this?
The ice that's in the bathtub with Mick looks really un-ice like. It's very white and resembles Styrofoam in some shots.
Anyone else notice this?
Yeah, when it first aired, The Recapist described the ice as looking like cubed tofu
Supposedly they used up the budget with the helicopter and explosion, and couldn't spring for realistic cubes. In a later episode they used much better cubes (perhaps in response to our collective whining!).
Anyway, for some good chuckles, check out The Recapist per-episode summaries here They're quite funny and enjoyable. (No, I am in no way affiliated with them, but I really enjoyed reading these back in the day...)
Haha, cubed tofu sounds about right. Thanks for the info.
Yeah, in the episode where Mick looks for Coraline's friend who smuggled her out of the hospital, the ice in the bathtub looks very real.
The jokes were that the cubes were tofu