His name isn't Michael. Mick isn't short for anything, unless they put nicknames on licenses. He showed Beth his P.I. license once, and it just said Mick.
I absolutely agree! There is no rhythm in it, almost like three coughs! It's sort of interesting though, that his fist name is that of an angel, and the surname, well, the name of a saint with the "title" and all... It's almost like they've tried to make the whole vampire thing less threatening to a conservative Christian audience (I had a classmate back in junior high who was strictly forbidden to watch Buffy because it would mess up her soul or something). Also we have this brooding, sort of depressive, private eye vampire who doesn't feed on humans and is trying to make up for his wrongdoings by helping people - with the name of an angel... Sort of like Angel from Angel/Buffy, right?
To sum it up: Silly name combination in general, but utterly stupid for a vampire...
Something less timeless, perhaps - parents have been naming their sons Michael for centuries, and will probably continue for centuries to come. The best would be some top 10 name from his year of birth which has gotten less popular over the years... Then of course, I also would like him to be a couple of centuries older (85 is just so... grandparent and disturbing... But that might be just me!) and Eastern European or British, but I guess those vampires are out of fashion nowadays;-) Guess there's a reason why Angel and Spike both were named William (Angel's human name, Liam, is a pet version), while the always annoying Edward Cullen is called, well, Edward; both sound old and upper class:-)
Mick St. John is perfect. He was Irish Catholic which added to the whole guilt thing. His parents took him to church and brunch after church. Remember? Great name, I think.
Helloeeze, our one-woman Moonlight historical society--I don't remember that part about his parents taking him to church. In which episode did that get mentioned?
**Guess there's a reason why Angel and Spike both were named William (Angel's human name, Liam, is a pet version), while the always annoying Edward Cullen is called, well, Edward; both sound old and upper class:-)**
Angel's mortal name is Angelus. That's sort of why whenever he went evil people would refer to him as "Angelus", because his name is Latin for Angel.
Spike's mortal name was William. People made fun of his bad poetry as and called him William the Bloody because it was "bloody awful". He took on the name Spike because he became well known for torturing his victims with a rail spike before killing them.
As for Mick St. John, it's a traditonal Irish Catholic name. What's so wrong about that?
And personally, I like the idea of a vampire who isn't hundreds of years old. It makes him more in touch with humanity because the events he experienced really weren't that long ago. It also brings into play the idea of what happens when you run into people who knew you when you were mortal. That's a concept that really didn't get visited a lot in Forever Knight or in Angel, unless the people they reunited with were also vampires or there was some other "magical" reason for the reunion.
The only real "creep" factor for me is that Mick has been watching over Beth since he rescued her as a little girl and now he's in love with her and they're discussing a sexual relationship. The photos, the records he kept, if there wasn't a professional reason to keep an eye out for her it would almost border on covert molestation.
No, Angel's name was Liam - Angelus is his "nick name" (because he had an angel's face), with Angel being the modernized, English version;-) (see http://www.buffyguide.com/players/angel.php)
I agree with you on the whole watching thing - he's like an authority or something - like a parent, boss, teacher, etc., and turning that into something intimate seems sort of ... wrong...
There's nothing wrong with the name itself, but people always make connections between names and qualities, either based on real people bearing the name, the history of it, famous bearers, etc., so giving a character a fitting name (or extremely unfitting, like Frankenstein, the cute and fluffy kitten) is, if not necessary, then at least a good idea... So to me, at least, this isn't about how I'd react to a real person bearing the name Mick St. John, but what I think of this particular fictional character being named it.
Interesting. They never mentioned it in the first few seasons of Angel or in Buffy. That bio needs to be updated though since the team expanded to include Charles, Frieda and Lorne and more recently Spike came back into the picture.
It also doesn't mention his son, Conner/Steven, whom Angel had with Darla.
I love his name! It just fits him. Of course I love the name Michael,it's my son's name and my favorite tv character ever is Michael Samuelle from La Femme Nikita.
I don't remember it being mentioned that his real mame was Michael? What ep was it mentioned in?
That's a good question. I think it was on his marriage certificate from THe Mortal Cure, if I'm not mistaken. Of course, you need to use stop action to read it. I think only the super terminally obsessed fans would know such details. Also has Mick's birthdate as 2-15 and in Dr. Feelgood he states he turned 85 in November. Although maybe November was the date he was turned, hence his "fang" birthday instead of his "belly button" birthday. Never thought of that. Okay, I'm rambling now. sorry!
On the marriage certificate, in "The Mortal Cure," Mick's given name is indeed Mick. Also on that certificate, his father's name is Michael R. St. John. And, since in some languages Michael is pronounced as "MIK-el," it seems to imply that Mick was named after his father. However, instead of being tagged "Michael, Junior," his parents gave him the equivalent, but more personal name "Mick."
And btw, I'm not "super terminally obsessed," Helloeeze. I just happen to have the series' DVDs handy and a good, precision-controlled DVD app on which to play (and play with) them!
;D ________________________
Yo, Mick, I'm female and a mother, so I've Prana to spare...should you ever need any bolstering.
Regarding Mick & his name. If u remember the picture with the names from the episode 16. In his human life his name was Mike O'Mally. When he turned after sometime but before Beth he changed it to Mick St. John
All Im saying helloizze is to pay attention to when ROBERT drops the picture and the list of names. There is no Mick St JOhn on it at all. It said Mike O'Mally interesting enough though his nick name was still Mick as Roberts mother called him such. However what I dont understand is if this Mike O'mally is intead him in his human life why does his footlocker from the time say ST JOHN . Maybe just a mistake on the teams part no idea.
AmethystLainey, the episode to which you are referring is "What's Left Behind," and in the USA, it's Episode 15 on the 4th & final disc.
In the episode, Robert Fordham's WWII photo clearly shows his father, Ray Fordham (3rd from the left), standing with Mick St. John (4th from the left), in the back row. On its back, the names of all the men in the photo are written but in no particular order. Mike O'Malley's name does appear in the list, but Ray and Mick's names are also there, together, just as the two friends are in the photo.
Well THAT depends entirely on your own personal preconceived name-associations really XD
For me.. "Mick" sounds a lot like "Nick".. and altho that's a very popular name, I believe I only have one *favorite* person by it- Nick Carter ;P (singer, Backstreet Boys) Then there's the "St John" bit.. well clearly "John" itself is probably the most common name tied with "Jack", LOL but some of my favorite ppl using it include John Crichton (character, Farscape) and John Sheppard (character, Stargate Atlantis) and John Barrowman (actor, Doctor Who); and the "St John" itself I've actually only heard referencing Pyro from X-Men, since even tho I'm only a movie fan, I read a LOT of fic back after X2 that used his name XD (including the novelizations)
Basically.. let it grow on you and see what happs ;D I've had to do so with other character names in other fandoms; it isn't so hard when you're busy liking everything else about them anyways ;P
Strangely, where I associate "St. John" from is Airwolf. He was Stringfellow's brother, but it was pronounced "Singen." I know. I'm a geek. I didn't like the name at first for our Mick, but it grew on me. And, yes, his name has always been Mick St. John. Not Michael or any other variation.
In Moonlight's original pilot script, which has Mick and Coraline's wedding scene, the priest refers to him as Michael: "Michael St. John, do you take this woman to be your holy wedded wife" etc. So I think the writers intended Mick to be a nickname for Michael, and the prop guys got it wrong when they put "Mick" on the marriage certificate in "The Mortal Cure" instead of "Michael".