MovieChat Forums > Reaper (2007) Discussion > Ok, we really have to do someing

Ok, we really have to do someing

I'm not really the one to try and fight a television company over a tv series but this has got to stop, seriously.

I think its apparent that there is no way in hell the CW is going to bring back this terrific show, instead they a going for the preppy make-no sense teen bopper (aka mtv) look now.

(I would call them sellouts but I think that happened happened way back when they canceled Angel)

There has to be a way to put this show back on the air, if not on the CW, why not on Spike, or SyFy?

I mean, look at the show The Game, it was canceled on the CW and yet the fans saved it, now it's on why can't we?


You make an excellent argument, Silverneedle. I can't believe that CW is going to cancel one of the best shows in contemporary television. Honestly, I can't understand how some of these networks make their decisions. Everyone I know who watches "Reaper", loves it, so why cancel it?

Come on CW, let "Reaper" keep on reaping.

I come here a lot because it's a clean, well lighted place.


I like how you are looking at reality in the face and is saying no
- Ben to Sam (Perfect time to use that quote )

For starters the main character Ray Wise has moved on and will be on Dollhouse. Reaper is gone .. really sad that the only way you will see it again is through re runs. The best way to get back at CW is by not watching their shows. Melrose and the beautiful Life already seem like a disappointment to the networks already.. so that's good.

"I knew this guy, that knew this guy, that knew this guy, that knew this guy's cousin"



Can't we write a petition for some other networks to take it up? Is that possible? I mean, CW don't want it, some other channel should take it.

MADNESS as you know, is like GRAVITY. All it takes is a little..PUSH.
The Joker


Unfortunately, it's too late for that. Tyler Labine is already on a new show on Fox - Sons of Tuscon. I'm sure other cast members have other stuff going on too.
